Star Wars Annual (2015) 1

title: "Star Wars Annual 1"

Star Wars Annual 1, a comic book from Marvel, features the creative talents of Kieron Gillen as the writer and Angel Unzueta as the artist. The narrative centers around Eneb Ray, a Rebel spy who is working secretly within the Imperial's governing structure. His mission involves ensuring the survival of a group of senators who sympathize with the Rebel cause. This comic hit the shelves on December 9, 2015.

What the Publisher Says

  • The Empire is about to get a harsh lesson in galactic espionage!
  • For years, Haarkon Dak has been operating undercover within the Imperial government...
  • ...but now, he represents the sole hope for rescuing Rebel-aligned senators! [3]

Story Synopsis

Posing as Tharius Demo, an Imperial tax official, [Eneb Ray](/article/eneb_ray], the Rebel Alliance spy, has infiltrated Coruscant, the galactic capital. As "Tharius," he prevents an export business owner from mentioning the Rebellion, thereby saving him. The man, feeling both fearful and grateful, offers payment after "Tharius" warns him of the dreadful possibility of his children being sold into slavery.

Upon his return to his residence, Eneb Ray transmits the shipping and procurement data for the Core sectors to Princess Leia Organa via a [hologram](/article/hologram]. Princess Leia tasks Eneb with a mission: to extract Senator Nadea Tural and other senators opposed to the Empire from the Arrth-Eno Prison Complex. Leia equips him with maps, necessary access codes, and a ship prepared to smuggle the senators away from Coruscant. Though he considers the mission unattainable, Eneb complies out of respect for the heir to the Alderaanian throne.

While scaling the Arrth-Eno prison walls, Eneb contemplates his past assignments and wonders if other rebel operatives are present on Coruscant. Overcoming his anxieties and uncertainties, Eneb gains entry to the building through a transparisteel window. After neutralizing a stormtrooper guard, Eneb enters the senators' holding area, only to discover from Senator Tural that Palpatine, the Emperor himself, is scheduled to witness their execution.

Subsequently, Eneb infiltrates the control room and compels the guards to surrender. One of the guards reveals herself to be Coleet, a rebel operative who volunteers to contact Princess Leia while disrupting the sensors to prevent Imperial tracking. Eneb persuades a reluctant Princess Leia to undertake a significant gamble by dispatching the remaining rebel agents on Coruscant to assassinate the Emperor.

As the Emperor arrives to deliver a farewell to the condemned senators, Eneb and six other agents launch their ambush, attacking the Emperor's stormtroopers and Royal Guard. Coleet and the captive senators, witnessing the assassination attempt, cheer Eneb on. Eneb employs an electronic grappling hook to remove the helmet of a Royal Guard and fires the weapon at the Emperor. However, the Emperor escapes on a repulsorlift platform.

After instructing his fellow agents to evacuate the senators, Eneb uses his grappling hook to pursue the Emperor to the rooftop landing platform. Following a confrontation with two stormtroopers, Eneb shoots down the Emperor, only to realize it was a decoy. The actual Emperor arrives aboard a Lambda-class shuttle and taunts Eneb. Eneb attempts to shoot the Emperor, but the Emperor detonates a bomb, obliterating the entire Arrth-Eno prison complex and everyone within.

With Eneb momentarily distracted, the Emperor assaults him with Force lightning. Eneb narrowly avoids death by using his grappling gun to latch onto a passing airspeeder. As Eneb reflects on the loss of life within the complex, he observes a hologram broadcast of the Emperor claiming that the rebels destroyed the Aarth-Eno prison complex to prevent the senators from facing justice in a court of law.

A heartbroken Eneb then encounters his extraction contact, who is revealed to be the export manager whose life he had saved earlier. When the manager inquires about what went wrong, Eneb responds that he was naive. Inwardly, he berates himself for being a hero pretending to be someone capable of making difficult choices. As they escape off-world, the Emperor vows that retribution will be exacted for this "heinous, unforgivable crime."

