The Nebulon-C escort frigate represents a class of frigate utilized by both the New Republic and, subsequently, the Resistance during the period of conflict known as the First Order-Resistance War. This frigate design followed in the footsteps of the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, serving as an advanced iteration.
These frigates, designated as Nebulon-C class, were manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards. Regarding offensive capabilities, they were furnished with a variety of potent weapons, including numerous heavy turbolasers, point-defense laser cannons, tractor beam projectors, and a pair of proton torpedo launchers, alongside other enhanced armaments. In emergency situations, the command bridge was designed to be ejected. Echoing the usage of its earlier counterpart by the Rebellion, the Nebulon-C could be adapted into a medical frigate; one such refitted vessel was operated by the Resistance.
Originally constructed for the New Republic, many of these vessels were retired and scrapped due to the large-scale demilitarization efforts initiated by the Senate; the Anodyne was one such example, decommissioned as salvage around 34 ABY.
The Anodyne eventually ended up in the hands of the Resistance, a paramilitary organization, which repurposed it into a hospital ship. It met its destruction after depleting its fuel reserves, bringing it within firing range of the pursuing Supremacy.
During 35 ABY, Nebulon-C escort frigates were part of a fleet gathered by Lando Calrissian to provide aid to the Resistance during the battle against the Sith Eternal forces above the planet Exegol.
The Nebulon-C frigate makes an appearance in the 2017 Star Wars saga film known as Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi.