Cymoon system battle group

A battle group belonging to the Galactic Empire's Imperial Navy, commanded by Captain Kronn aboard the Adjudicator, saw action during the Galactic Civil War; it was composed of a minimum of three Imperial-class Star Destroyers. Acknowledging the critical importance of Cymoon 1 and the Imperial Weapons Factory Alpha located on its surface, the Empire ensured a substantial naval presence within the Cymoon system, with the aforementioned battle group permanently stationed there. Landing craft faced rigorous scans, and their arrivals required meticulous scheduling, although some leeway was permitted.

In addition to the Star Destroyers, the battle group was reinforced by twenty fighter wings and various orbital platforms. A complete regiment of stormtroopers, organized into battalions, defended the factory on the planet's surface. The effectiveness of these forces was hampered by communication failures between the many temporary units.

