690 light freighter

The Ghtroc 690 light freighter, alternatively referred to as the 690, represented a design of light freighter produced by Ghtroc Industries. The 690 was regarded as a diminutive ship, particularly when categorized as a freighter. The subsequent 720 light freighter model exhibited enhancements in all aspects. A Verpine smuggler situated on Abednedo possessed one, utilizing it as a holding vessel for captured stormtroopers. In the decades succeeding the Battle of Jakku, Rey, a scavenger, discovered a crashed 690 light freighter on the terrain of Jakku; with assistance from fellow scavengers Devi and Strunk, she successfully repaired most of its operational systems, rendering it functional. The trio piloted the freighter to Niima Outpost, where Rey intended to trade it to the junk dealer Unkar Plutt; however, after Rey exited the vessel, Devi and Strunk reactivated the engines and departed Jakku, thereby depriving Rey of both the ship and her compensation.

