Rey's 690 light freighter

The light freighter, designated as Rey's 690, met its end in a crash on Jakku before the Battle of Starkiller Base. Rey, a scavenger, stumbled upon its wreckage and envisioned restoring it for sale to Unkar Plutt, the junk boss at Niima Outpost. She enlisted the help of fellow scavengers Devi and Strunk for the repairs, only to have them abscond with the ship.


The Crash and Subsequent Discovery

Rey's speculation, based on her examination of the wreckage, suggested that the freighter was initially involved in illicit activities. Following the crash, the crew purportedly programmed the ship to land on Jakku for a later retrieval, while they escaped using the escape pods. However, for reasons unknown, they never returned for their ship, which crashed in the Goazon Badlands, close to the Crackle, where it remained for an extended period.

Rey initially located the freighter during a salvage expedition in the Crackle. Realizing that the ship was largely intact and potentially repairable, she assessed the necessary repairs, intending to restore the ship to a functional state before selling it to Unkar Plutt.

Repair Efforts

Despite its relatively intact state, the freighter had sustained considerable damage. Rey dedicated five months to the arduous task of repairing it on her own. Her primary challenges were locating appropriate replacement parts while also salvaging enough materials to trade with Unkar Plutt.

Attempted Sale at Niima

Two days after the hyperdrive installation, Rey, accompanied by Devi and Strunk, piloted the freighter to Niima Outpost for the intended sale. Rey left Devi and Strunk aboard the ship while she went to Unkar's Concession Stand to negotiate the transaction. However, Devi and Strunk seized the opportunity to steal the ship, departing for destinations unknown. Rey later documented the freighter in her journal, although she avoided delving into explicit details about the incident.

Potential Resale Value on Jakku

While salvaging her freighter, Rey pondered the price at which she would sell it to Unkar Plutt. For the wreck in its current condition, Rey wondered if she could obtain one hundred or five hundred portions. After a careful review and the decision to repair the ship, she raised her expectations to five thousand portions, a speeder, tools, a generator, and the first choice of salvage for five years.

Devi's initial assessment of the ship's value was six or seven thousand portions if the ship was space worthy, with an even greater value if it had a hyperdrive. When persuading Rey to accept them as partners and share the profits, she revised her estimate to approximately ten thousand portions in total.

Once the ship was fully restored, complete with a hyperdrive, Devi still insisted on a minimum sale price of ten thousand portions, while Rey aimed to increase that figure to thirty thousand portions. Devi and Strunk ultimately stole the freighter before it could be sold, leaving the actual sale price undetermined.

