
In 33 ABY on Jakku, Devi, a female human scavenger, collaborated with her partner Strunk. They assisted Rey in her scavenging efforts concerning a long-buried 690 light freighter. Following Rey's piloting of the freighter to Niima Outpost, Devi and Strunk absconded with it, using it to escape the planet.


Life on Jakku

Devi's life largely revolved around scavenging on Jakku, beginning roughly a decade following the Battle of Endor. She partnered with Strunk, a scavenger recognized more for his brawn than his intellect. They both shared a longing to escape Jakku one day.

Devi claimed that she and Strunk once observed a massive nightwatcher worm in the Sinking Fields, large enough to devour Niima Outpost in a single gulp. They shared this tale with fellow scavenger Rey, who remained unconvinced, partly due to the duo's history of making questionable assertions.

Salvaging the Ghtroc

In the year 33 ABY, Devi took notice of Rey's hoarding of valuable salvage and her focus on repairing relatively insignificant components. Suspecting that Rey was constructing something, Devi and Strunk confronted Rey at the cleaning stations in Niima Outpost, curious about her activities. While Rey declined to reveal her plans, Devi seemingly relented but cautioned Rey that others would also notice her unusual behavior.

Devi and Strunk approach Rey about her discovery.

After following Rey, Devi and Strunk discovered her project ten days later: Rey had unearthed a nearly complete Ghtroc 690 [freighter](/article/freighter]. With the addition of the necessary parts, the ship could be made space worthy again. Impressed by Rey's discovery and aware of where to find useful components, Devi and Strunk proposed assisting in the Ghtroc's repair in exchange for passage off Jakku. Rey initially intended to sell it to Unkar Plutt; however, Devi intervened before Strunk could speak, negotiating a deal. In return for their assistance in repairing the ship, she and Strunk would receive half of the profits from the sale, estimated to be at least five thousand shares.

The newly formed business partners commenced repairs on the Ghtroc, with Devi and Strunk quickly procuring parts that Rey would have struggled to find independently. As the repairs progressed, Devi and Strunk began secretly camping near the ship to safeguard their investment.

Two weeks later, once the Ghtroc was sufficiently repaired to fly (though still lacking a hyperdrive), Devi was a passenger on the test flight. She was elated that the ship functioned properly. That night, while guarding the ship, Devi and Strunk encountered Rey, who had returned and was defending it from Teedo intruders. They joined in the defense, driving the Teedos away. Devi confessed that she and Strunk had been secretly guarding the wreck for the past two weeks.

Devi also informed Rey that she knew the location of a hyperdrive to complete the Ghtroc. Rey suggested that Devi guard the ship, while she and Strunk went to retrieve the hyperdrive. The following evening, Rey and Strunk returned with the drive, and Rey, now trusting Devi and Strunk, invited them to sleep inside the Ghtroc for warmth.

Devi and Strunk flying their stolen freighter away from Jakku

After acquiring and installing the hyperdrive two days later (and nearly a year after Rey's initial discovery of the wreck), the trio made a grand entrance into Niima Outpost aboard their ship. Rey left Devi and Strunk on board while she went to sell the ship to Unkar. Once Rey was gone, Devi and Strunk betrayed her by stealing the ship, using it to finally escape Jakku, which was their sole motivation for helping in the first place, leaving Rey with nothing.

Sometime later, Rey documented her experiences with Devi in her journal, expressing her distrust for her fellow scavenger and labeling her a "swindler," referencing the Ghtroc incident.

Personality and traits

Devi, roughly Rey's age and of slight build, maintained a short haircut. As the more intelligent of the duo, she assumed the role of leader. She orchestrated the agreement to divide Rey's salvage of the freighter, exploiting the situation to secure a deal that Rey perceived as unfair but felt unable to refuse.

Despite this, Devi maintained a cheerful demeanor throughout the salvage operation and successfully ingratiated herself with Rey, gaining her trust while secretly plotting her betrayal. This was facilitated by Rey's inability to comprehend anyone desiring to leave Jakku and her desire to trust Devi.

Devi was known for making outlandish claims. She also had a tendency to be overly talkative, which irritated others, including Rey.

In combat, Devi was quick and, in Rey's assessment, more dangerous than Strunk. Devi carried a vibro-knife and a shortened shock stick. She also possessed a small blaster with a limited number of shots.

Behind the scenes

Devi's first appearance was in the 2015 canon novel Before the Awakening, authored by Greg Rucka as a prequel to Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens.

