A planet covered in jungle terrain, situated far away from the Core Worlds, served as the homeworld for a species that considered anything foreign to their world as impure. To shield themselves from perceived contamination, the native inhabitants would envelop themselves in concealing masks and wrapped garments. During the Imperial Era, the Galactic Empire established a base on the planet, building an outpost and positioning a satellite system within its orbit. Serving as an emissary between her world and the outside, Kairos—though she was not known by that name then—traveled to the outpost with intentions of mediating, only to be captured and imprisoned within an Imperial detention facility. Though Kairos eventually succeeded in escaping the prison, she chose not to return to her homeworld, because her people would no longer consider her pure.
Following the Imperial defeat at the Battle of Endor, the outpost on the planet was left abandoned. Approximately a year after the battle, Kairos, who had become a New Republic pilot within Alphabet Squadron, experienced a crash landing of her U-wing on her homeworld. She was accompanied by her comrade Chass na Chadic and Yrica Quell, their prisoner and former squadron leader. They had managed to reach the world after their starship's navicomputer malfunctioned. During their time there, the three sought temporary refuge in the abandoned outpost, gathering equipment to repair the U-wing. Mistaking them for a returning Imperial presence, Kairos's people slowly approached the outpost, seeking to expel them. Kairos, Chadic, and Quell left the outpost and destroyed the structure before returning to the U-wing, repairing the craft, and escaping the planet.