Lyttan Dree, also known as Cadet 541-145, was a male human serving the Galactic Empire as a cadet. He held the position of second-in-command within Onyx Squadron, identified by the callsign Onyx 2. Unusually, Dree maintained a close friendship with fellow cadet Han Solo. Solo admired Dree's ability to simultaneously be a supportive friend, a skilled [pilot](/article/pilot], and a compliant follower of regulations.
After enduring starvation on Boiyuh, Lyttan Dree and his twin brother, Tamu, enlisted in the Galactic Empire. In 13 BBY, both Lyttan and Tamu were students at the Imperial Academy located on Carida. There, they underwent basic training under the supervision of Sergeant Triosa Broog. They encountered Kanina Nico and played a role in saving Han Solo from a beating administered by Beilert Valance. Two weeks later, Lyttan expressed surprise at Solo's survival following his actions and formally introduced himself. Lyttan observed that Solo's performance placed him at the bottom of the leaderboard. During a training exercise, Lyttan and his brother piloted TIE fighters. Lyttan noticed Tamu flying too close to Jarwen's TIE, resulting in damage to Tamu's fighter. Lyttan expressed his gratitude to Solo for rescuing Tamu from his damaged TIE.
Following the exercise, Lyttan, Solo, and their cadet squad faced punishment and were tasked with preparing soup for the Academy. Flight Instructor Yurib Nakan assigned Lyttan and his fellow cadets to oversee Imperial Cruiser 07200823, a Quasar Fire-class Imperial Cruiser 07200823. Kanina placed Lyttan in charge of communications. After abandoning Valance and other cadets in deep space, Lyttan and the others received day passes and invitations to board a Pantolomin cruiser. Despite Kanina's reservations, Lyttan and the others accompanied Solo onto the cruiser. Once aboard, Lyttan and the other cadets engaged in card games. Following Pjolan's attempted assassination of Solo, Kanina pulled Lyttan away to facilitate their departure. Lyttan then extracted his brother from his wedding. Lyttan and the other cadets successfully returned to both the cruiser and the academy. Subsequently, Nakan reinstated Lyttan and the other cadets to full flight status.
Lyttan and his fellow cadets transitioned into Carida Squadron and were deployed to the Imperial Navy Mobile Base on Qhulosk. There, Lyttan noticed Solo deactivating his TIE's dampeners to achieve greater speed. Lyttan and Tamu decided to emulate this tactic. Lyttan and the squadron participated in an attack on Howlan, working to disable the city's shield generators. Regrettably, Valance was shot down and stranded within the city. Despite Nakan's explicit orders, Lyttan and the other cadets chose to assist Solo in rescuing Valance from the city, utilizing speeder bikes for the rescue mission.

In 10 BBY, Dree and Onyx Squadron were stationed aboard a Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruiser when they came under attack by raiders attempting to steal their TIE/rb heavy starfighters. During the ensuing conflict, Dree found himself flanked by several raiders. Solo disregarded the instructions of Onyx Leader to rescue Onyx Two, resulting in damage to his own craft and a crash landing aboard their ship. Consequently, he faced a tribunal for disobeying orders. Solo appealed to Commodore Almudin, an officer serving on the tribunal, emphasizing that Dree would have perished without his intervention; however, his arguments were rejected.
Dree eventually attained the military rank of lieutenant and piloted a TIE/IN interceptor within the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, which was based on the Star Destroyer Pursuer. Prior to embarking on a mission, he contacted his brother via hologram, where they discussed Tamu's family and exchanged humorous anecdotes about their military experiences. Later, Lyttan shared a drink with his commander, Teso Broosh, en route to the Kudo system for a mission. Upon reaching the system, he deployed with his squadron and faced an assault from a large group of TIE fighters originating from the Star Destroyer Celerity.
Following the destruction of their carrier, Dree complied with his commander's directive to surrender to the attackers. He landed his TIE on Kudo. While being escorted to meet Admiral Gratloe, he found it peculiar that the officer retained his rank despite seceding from the Empire. During the meeting, he voiced his disdain for Gratloe's rhetoric about unity, given that Gratloe's forces had destroyed the Summit and caused the deaths of numerous Imperial personnel. Dree subsequently escaped custody along with the rest of Squadron Five.

Upon reaching their TIEs, Broosh revealed that he had incorporated a backdoor into his fighter to prevent being locked out. Dree realized this explained Broosh's exclusive maintenance of his own fighter. After Broosh facilitated the return of their starfighters, Dree and the rest of Squadron Five set out to reclaim the Celerity. En route, they were joined by a contingent of TIE fighters loyal to the Empire. As he approached the Star Destroyer, Dree contemplated how Shakara Nuress would react to the capital ship's return. Before he could complete his thought, he was obliterated by a blast from the approaching Rebels.