Kanina Nico

Kanina Nico, identified as cadet 803-308, was a human female serving as a cadet within the Galactic Empire. She was stationed at Carida Academy, the Imperial Naval Academy situated on the planet of Carida, and was a contemporary of Han Solo. Nico possessed a sharp-edged disposition and held her fellow cadets in low regard, with 404-913, also known as Beilert Valance, being one such example.


Nico originated from a planet located within the Huru system. There, she maintained a friendship with Weegee, who was employed in the mining of Farium. Nico was a cadets at the Imperial Academy on Carida. She participated in training exercises alongside fellow cadets Han Solo, Lyttan Dree, his brother Tamu, and Beilert Valance under the supervision of their training officer, Sergeant Triosa Broog. Despite her animosity towards Solo, she defended him from Valance.

Nico rose to become one of the Academy's most accomplished cadets. She also pondered how long Solo could manage to stay alive. During one training session, Nico observed Solo removing his TIE fighter's alternator, mirroring her own actions. She also spotted a pair of dice painted onto Solo's TIE fighter and wished him well. During the exercise, Nico prevented Solo from crashing after he rescued Tamu. In spite of their collaboration, Nico and her fellow cadets faced suspension.

As a form of punishment, Nico and her fellow cadets were assigned the task of preparing soup. Despite this disciplinary measure, they were entrusted with transporting Valance and a group of other pilots aboard the Imperial Cruiser 07200823. Nico took the role of captain. After dropping Valance and the other pilots off in deep space, Nico directed the cruiser to return to Carida. However, Solo managed to enhance the engine's efficiency, enabling their return to the academy a day ahead of schedule. Solo also provided Nico and the other cadets with day passes, mentioning the presence of a Pantolomin cruiser nearby. Despite her misgivings, Nico agreed to board the pleasure cruiser with them. While there, she engaged in a game of Sabacc with Solo. During the game, Solo explained to Nico how he orchestrated everything by performing extra duties at the academy during the night. She also knew Solo was there to speak with the cruiser's bartender, Pjolan regarding Qi'ra .

When Pjolan attempted to assassinate Solo, Nico intervened by throwing a glass at him, and subsequently, they reunited with the other cadets. However, Solo informed the cruiser's security, who were affiliated with Black Sun, about Pjolan's scheme to collect Proxima's bounty on Solo, leading to Pjolan's arrest. Nico and the cadets made their way back to the cruiser. During the cruiser's voyage, Nico composed an incident report. Despite her report, Nico and the other cadets were reinstated to full flight status and dispatched to Qhulosk. There, they were stationed at the Imperial Navy Mobile Base situated outside of Howlan. Nico suspected Solo was planning to commandeer a TIE fighter to locate Qi'ra on Corellia. However, she was mistaken, and he simply desired more of Solo's luck. Nico and the rest of the squadron then piloted their TIE fighters to assault Howlan. Working together, they neutralized the city's defensive cannons. Regrettably, Valance was shot down by the Qhuloskians' fighters, compelling the squadron to retreat to the base. Despite Instructor Yurib Nakan's orders to remain at the base, Nico and the squad chose to assist Solo in rescuing Valance by utilizing speeders.

Nico reunites with Weegee

Together, they ventured into Howlan. As they entered the city, Kanina shielded Solo from debris resulting from the Empire's bombers' attacks. After concealing their bikes, Nico and the squadron located Valance and loaded him onto a speeder. Unfortunately, they encountered more of the Qhuloskians' forces. Solo attempted to reason with the Qhuloskians. However, they were attacked by Ghulars commanded by Rito. Upon learning that the Empire was extracting farium from Qhulosk, Nico realized that the Empire would do the same to her planet. Despite her loyalty to her squadron, Solo convinced Nico to abandon the Empire, return to her home, and seek out Weegee. After Solo shot her helmet, he asked Nico to find Qi'ra if she made her way to Corellia. The squad then conspired to simulate her death. Nico then departed aboard an escape pod before the Empire resumed their assault on Howlan. Nico eventually returned home and found Weegee.

Behind the scenes

Kanina Nico's initial appearance was in the 2018 Marvel comic book, Han Solo - Imperial Cadet 1, created by Robbie Thompson.

