Triosa Broog

Triosa Broog, a female human officer in the service of the Galactic Empire, was stationed on Carida. In the year 10 BBY, she held the rank of sergeant at the Carida Academy, functioning as a training officer for Cadet Han Solo. Solo demonstrated a lack of discipline, and his repeated acts of insubordination and dangerous behavior in flight angered Broog's commanding officer, Captain Nettic Whain. Whain inquired of Broog the reason Solo remained enrolled in the academy, considering that other cadets had been removed for lesser offenses. Broog defended Solo, highlighting his exceptional performance as a pilot, stating that she had never witnessed anyone with his level of reflexes or creative thinking while piloting a ship. Whain responded by stating that he would prefer one hundred obedient recruits over the most skilled pilot in the galaxy who refused to follow instructions. Broog pleaded with the captain to grant Solo another opportunity, expressing her confidence that she could instill obedience in him. Ultimately, after acknowledging the remarkable nature of Solo's piloting abilities, Whain conceded, but only if Broog suspended Solo's flight privileges for a week—with the understanding that if Solo improved, his privileges would be restored, but if he did not, he would be expelled and relegated to somewhere where a soldier who didn't follow orders could be useful.

