Nettic Whain

Nettic Whain was a male officer of the Galactic Empire who was stationed on Carida. In the year 10 BBY, he held the rank of captain at the Carida Academy. In this role, he was the commanding officer to Sergeant Triosa Broog. Whain interrogated Broog, who was Han Solo's commanding officer, asking why the rebellious cadet had not been removed from the imperial academy despite numerous demerits and instances of defiance. Broog emphasized Solo's outstanding performance as a pilot, stating that she had never encountered anyone who possessed his quick reflexes or creative problem-solving abilities when piloting a starship. Whain responded by saying that he would prefer to have one hundred obedient recruits over the galaxy's best pilot if that pilot was disobedient. Broog begged the captain to provide Solo with another opportunity, expressing her confidence that she could teach him to follow instructions. Whain ultimately conceded after acknowledging Solo's exceptional flying talents, but he stipulated that Solo's flight privileges be revoked for a week. He said that if Solo showed improvement, his privileges could be restored. However, if he failed to improve, he would be expelled and sent to a place where a soldier who could not follow orders could be of use.

