
The Summit, a Quasar Fire-class cruiser carrier, provided service to the Galactic Empire's naval forces. The starship was given the task of transporting a maintenance team to the Kudo system circa 4 ABY, with the mission of assisting the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Celerity. To provide protection, Squadron Five of the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing was also onboard. After arriving in the system, the TIE interceptors were launched, but the Celerity used an ion cannon to disable the Summit.

While Squadron Five engaged the Star Destroyer's TIE fighters in combat, orders were given to the Summit to surrender and keep its hyperdrive offline. Disregarding these orders, the captain refused to comply. Second Lieutenant Commander Teso Broosh cautioned the captain, pointing out that Squadron Five wouldn't be able to defend the cruiser-carrier during its escape, but the captain ignored the warning. The Summit then attempted a jump to hyperspace, but before it could complete the maneuver, turbolaser fire from the Celerity destroyed it.


The Summit deploys Squadron Five in the Kudo system

The Summit was a Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier, a type of cruiser and light carrier produced by the SoroSuub Corporation. This vessel could accommodate 48 starfighters within its four hangar bays. The cruiser-carrier, measuring 340 meters in length and capable of a maximum speed of 250 kph, was outfitted with a hyperdrive, a navigation computer, deflector shield generators, and five sublight engines. Internally, the vessel included a bridge, a mess hall, a shooting range, and silver-colored corridors that provided passage between different areas. The Summit's offensive capabilities consisted of two light turbolaser batteries along with six dual laser cannon turrets.


Voyage for the Kudo system

Members of Squadron Five eat aboard the Summit.

During the period of the Galactic Civil War, the Summit was a component of the Galactic Empire's navy. Around 4 ABY, the cruiser-carrier received orders to transport a maintenance crew to the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Celerity, which had reported malfunctions with its hyperdrive while operating in the Kudo system. Due to concerns about potential advancements by Rebel Alliance forces towards the system, Squadron Five of the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing was assigned to escort the maintenance crew. While the Summit was traveling to the Kudo system, members of the 204th squadron were in the mess hall, where Flight Officer Ganem Kahi stated his opinion that the Alliance was essentially the same as the Separatists.

Later, another pilot, Lieutenant Lyttan Dree, met with the squadron commander, Second Lieutenant Commander Teso Broosh, in the Summit's hangar bay, where they discussed Broosh's feeling that they were disposable. At approximately the same time, Senior Lieutenant Jeela Brebtin made use of the gun range, and Kahi along with pilot Zin Graw walked through the corridors, expressing their sympathy for the Alliance. Broosh then went to the cruiser-carrier's bridge where he talked with the captain about the status of the Celerity. The captain, worried that Celerity's own fighter complement might be compromised, emphasized that the maintenance crew required more than just a single squadron for escort. Broosh reminded the captain that the Empire's forces were already spread thin and instructed him to ensure his personnel were prepared.


The Summit is destroyed

The Summit came out of hyperspace within the Kudo system, and upon arrival, deployed Squadron Five, which was flying TIE/IN interceptors. The cruiser-carrier's bridge crew observed that long-range communications were being jammed and notified the squadron. As one of the bridge officers started to report another observation, the Celerity fired an ion cannon at the Summit, which disabled it. The Star Destroyer then launched its wing of TIE fighters, which engaged Squadron Five. As the battle continued, the enemy demanded that the Summit be surrendered for boarding, threatening to destroy the vessel if it attempted to escape.

However, the Summit's captain refused to comply, ignoring Broosh's recommendation to surrender since his squadron was unable to provide cover for the cruiser-carrier's retreat. The captain ordered Squadron Five to remain behind and fight off the TIEs, and he checked on the status of the Summit's navigation computer. A bridge officer confirmed that the navcomputer was operational but expressed concern about the condition of the shields. The captain instructed the cruiser-carrier to jump to hyperspace regardless, and the Summit activated its hyperdrive. While the Squadron Five pilots debated whether to protect the vessel, the Celerity's turbolasers targeted the Summit, destroying it instantly.

Commanders and crew

An Imperial captain commanded the Summit, and the bridge was staffed by at least three individuals. The cruiser-carrier also carried Imperial Starfighter pilots, such as those belonging to the 204th's Squadron Five.

