Nosteen was a TIE fighter pilot of the human male persuasion, who achieved the captain's rank within the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing during the Galactic Civil War. He commanded a squadron and placed Lieutenant Yrica Quell in the position of his second-in-command. Following the Battle of Endor by a couple of weeks in 4 ABY, Nosteen spearheaded his squadron to protect TIE/sa bombers in the execution of a genocide on the planet of Nacronis. The vortex detonators deployed by the bombers intensified the existing siltstorms, ultimately leading to the captain's demise via a lightning strike.
Nosteen, a human male, was a TIE fighter pilot who attained the captain's rank while serving with the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing amidst the Galactic Civil War. As the commanding officer of a TIE fighter squadron within the 204th, he designated Lieutenant Yrica Quell as his second-in-command subsequent to her assignment to the squadron. Later, around 4 ABY, the 204th was given the assignment to perform the destruction of the civilization on the marshland planet Nacronis as part of Operation: Cinder, the Empire's contingency following the death of the Emperor a couple of weeks earlier.
Nosteen's squadron was assigned to defend TIE bombers from Rebel Alliance forces as the bombers released vortex detonators to amplify the siltstorms of Nacronis. The captain, however, met his end during the operation when his fighter was struck by lightning. Command of the remaining pilots then fell to Quell. In 11 ABY, six years after the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, Quell mentioned Nosteen by name when she and fellow veterans Chass na Chadic and Wyl Lark were talking about those who had suffered during the war during a reunion.
Nosteen was initially referenced in the 2019 novel titled Alphabet Squadron, which was authored by Alexander Freed.