Ryleel Imperial Base

Ryleel Imperial Base, often shortened to Ryleel Base, functioned as a Galactic Empire installation situated on the world of Carida. Bansu Ro and Rac Syrmo, who were cadets at the Carida Academy before their assignment to the Imperial Navy, departed from Ryleel Base to rendezvous with the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing following their activation.


Also referred to as Ryleel Base, Ryleel Imperial Base was a Galactic Empire facility located on the Colonies planet Carida. The base comprised several structures, including a landing zone for starships such as Lambda-class T-4a shuttles. Among these buildings were facilities like an infirmary and a repair bay.


Between the years of 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Beilert Valance, a cyborg mercenary under the employ of Sith Lord Darth Vader and coerced through blackmail, underwent repairs to his cybernetics at Ryleel Base. This occurred after he rescued seventeen Imperial engineers from a sabotage attempt orchestrated by a Crimson Dawn operative. The rescued engineers received medical attention in the nearby infirmary. Lieutenant Jyala Haydenn of the Imperial forces visited Valance, praising his valor in saving the engineers and escorting him to meet the seventeen injured Imperials.

As the engineers expressed their gratitude to Valance, an Imperial officer informed Haydenn of a suspicion that Valance's loved ones, whose safety was the leverage for his blackmail, had potentially killed during an Imperial attack. Haydenn, aiming to secure Valance's continued loyalty, instructed the officer to keep this information confidential between them.

Circa ABY 4, a group of Imperial cadets attending the Imperial Naval Academy on Carida were conscripted into service by the Imperial Navy for the war effort. Bansu Ro and Rac Syrmo, the two highest-ranking cadets, were summoned by the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. They then boarded a Lambda-class shuttle originating from Ryleel Base to link up with their new squadron.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of Ryleel Base was in the fourth edition of the Star Wars: TIE Fighter comic series. This issue was penned by Jody Houser, illustrated by Rogê Antônio and Ig Guara, and released by Marvel Comics on July 17, 2019. The base was later identified as Ryleel Imperial Base in the twenty-fifth issue of the Star Wars: Bounty Hunters comic series. This issue was authored by Ethan Sacks, with artwork by Paolo Villanelli, and published by Marvel Comics on July 13, 2022. Although TIE Fighter 4 did not explicitly confirm its location, Wookieepedia presumed Ryleel Base to be on Carida when the subject's page was created in 2020. This detail was subsequently canonically verified by Bounty Hunters 25.

