Unidentified Imperial officer (Ryleel Imperial Base)

An Imperial officer, a human, served the Galactic Empire throughout the Imperial Era. The Imperial officer was stationed at Ryleel Imperial Base located on Carida between the time periods of 3 ABY and 4 ABY. It was during this time that Lieutenant Beilert Valance received medical treatment at the base following his rescue of seventeen Imperial engineers whose ship had been sabotaged by a mole from Crimson Dawn. Lieutenant Jyala Haydenn escorted Valance to the rescued engineers and then took a seat in the infirmary. Soon after, the officer approached and requested a private conversation with Haydenn, but she stated that it was not an appropriate moment. The officer insisted that the lieutenant needed to hear what they had to say, before proceeding to inform Haydenn about a raid on a suspected rebel base. When Haydenn inquired about the relevance of this information, the officer disclosed that it was believed to be the same base where Valance's loved ones resided and that there were no reported survivors. Aware of the potential consequences if Valance discovered the raid, Haydenn warned the officer that this information must remain confidential between them; otherwise, the officer would have to explain to Darth Vader, the Sith Lord, why his prized enforcer, referring to Valance, had betrayed the Empire. Haydenn then questioned the officer to confirm their understanding, and the officer affirmed that they understood the situation.

