Nar Kanji, situated in the Outer Rim, was a planet that served as the original homeworld for the Jablogian species. In the distant past, predating the Cold War, it transitioned into a colony under Hutt control. The human settlers there were enslaved and endured many years marked by oppression and mistreatment. In the aftermath of a gang war among the Hutt cartels that plunged the planet into chaos, the human population successfully rebelled against their oppressors and gained their independence. Tasu Leech, who later became the topboss of Kanjiklub, a group comprised of escaped slaves originating from Nar Kanji, spent his formative years on this very planet. The Elite Praetorian Guard were proficient in various martial arts, notably including the "Blind Alley" techniques unique to Nar Kanji. As noted by Dengar, a bounty hunter, the inhabitants of Nar Kanji were known for their recognizable, working-class manner of speech.
The first reference to Nar Kanji appeared in Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, a 2015 reference book authored by Pablo Hidalgo.