Waxer, a clone trooper, was a member of Ghost Company, which itself was a company within the military structure of the Grand Army of the Republic. Throughout the Clone Wars conflict against the Separatist Alliance, he participated in both the Battle of Ryloth and the Second Battle of Geonosis alongside his comrade, Boil, a fellow trooper of the 212th. Later, during the Battle of Umbara, Waxer achieved the rank of Clone Lieutenant and served as a platoon leader before being killed in a friendly-fire incident. This tragic event was orchestrated by Jedi General Pong Krell, who had succumbed to the dark side of the Force.
A clone derived from the bounty hunter Jango Fett, Waxer functioned as a soldier within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic. As a member of Ghost Company, he fought side-by-side with Boil, a fellow clone trooper. He fought alongside him in many conflicts.
Waxer was included in a detachment from the 7th Sky Corps under the command of Cody of the 212th. He went with Senator Padmé Amidala to Krystar to find out if there were any prisoners being held there. While Amidala spoke with Regent Queb and Representative Vishar Koss, Waxer and a few other troopers left the shuttle. Together, they found a compound with clone trooper prisoners of war being guarded by a battalion of Separatist battle droids. Waxer ran into one of the prisoners, Wooley, and got him to attack the guards. Waxer and his fellow troopers were successful in freeing the prisoners and getting back to the shuttle.
Waxer's service continued under Commander Cody during the Siege of Hisseen. He fought alongside Cody as well as Clone Commander Wolffe and his Wolfpack to save members of the Hisseenian parliament from a number of battle droids.

Within Ghost Company, Waxer accompanied Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Clone Commander Cody as part of the initial wave of Republic forces that landed on Ryloth close to the city of Nabat. He was on a gunship with Kenobi, Cody, and clone trooper Boil. After they landed, the surviving squads moved through the trees toward the city's outer walls, where they were attacked by B1 battle droids. With their forces being attacked by a bunker emplacement, Kenobi guided Waxer and Boil to eliminate it. Waxer threw an electromagnetic pulse grenade toward the bunker, but he was too far away to get it over the wall. He told Kenobi that they were too far away, but Kenobi responded that he could help, using the Force to propel Waxer's next grenade over the wall, destroying the three droids there. The remaining outer defenses were quickly defeated as the clones moved into Nabat.
Once the clones gathered inside the city walls, Kenobi instructed Cody to take his best soldiers to scout ahead. Waxer joined Cody, Wooley, and Boil to scout the city. After he and Boil split off from Cody and Wooley to explore the south sector of Nabat, they noticed that the city was very quiet. The two wondered where the citizens had gone, noting that there were no bodies. Hearing a sound from an alleyway, the two troopers took cover before Waxer followed Boil in, with their blasters raised.

However, they found a young Twi'lek girl named Numa. Waxer suggested that they bring her with them, but Boil said that she would slow them down and that they needed to finish their mission. As they talked about what they should do with her, a probe droid found them. After hiding, Boil gave in and tried to get Numa to follow them. When he was bitten on the finger, Waxer realized that she might have thought they were droids. He slowly took off his helmet to show the girl that he was human. Boil took out a ration bar and gave it to Waxer, who gave it to Numa. As the girl ate quickly, she smiled at the two and called them "nerra."
As they continued, Numa followed them and eventually ran off toward the Separatist position. Boil was hesitant to follow her toward the Separatist position, but Waxer said that they could not let the droids get her and went after her. The two followed Numa to her home and comforted her until they got a signal from Commander Cody. As they were about to leave, Waxer, Boil, and Numa were attacked by a pair of gutkurrs that had been released by the Separatists. They then hid in a tunnel system.

Waxer and the others then escaped through tunnels under Numa's home. Waxer then met up with Cody, Kenobi, and the rest of Ghost Company. He then told Kenobi and Cody that he and Boil had been delayed by Numa. However, Waxer told Kenobi that she knew the tunnels under Nabat well. Waxer, along with Boil, then went with Kenobi and Numa to the six J-1 semi-autonomous proton cannon emplacements in the town square. As TX-20 and his troops attacked Cody's men, Waxer, Boil, and Kenobi were able to free the Twi'lek hostages. Waxer then helped Kenobi take control of one of the cannons, loading it with Boil. Despite destroying the cannons, Waxer, Boil, and Kenobi were knocked out by TX-20's AAT. However, they were saved when the Twi'leks tore TX-20 apart. Waxer then rejoined the rest of Ghost Company and Windu's forces. He then said goodbye to Numa.
When Waxer asked Kenobi, who spoke Ryl, what Numa had been calling them, Kenobi explained that "nerra" meant "brother".

Waxer participated in the Republic's retaking of Geonosis, wearing ARF trooper armor. He added a small drawing of Numa to the side of his helmet. He then went with Kenobi and Cody to secure the landing area. Waxer and Boil were then ordered to rescue Kenobi and any survivors in a downed gunship. They were successful in finding Kenobi and Trapper and bringing them back. Waxer stayed with Obi-Wan as Cody briefed the situation. As the group was cornered by the Geonosians, reinforcements arrived in gunships with Generals Skywalker and Ki-Adi-Mundi. Waxer was there when the plan to destroy the shield generator was discussed, and the plan was successful.

Waxer joined Kenobi's and Cody's forces in their mission to capture the capital city of Umbara, where he was the leader of a platoon, having been promoted to the rank of Clone Lieutenant. He was contacted by Jedi General Pong Krell and was tricked into leading his platoon to attack Umbarans who were supposedly disguised as clone troopers. At the same time, Captain Rex of the 501st Legion was told that the Umbarans were wearing clone armor. Krell tricked them into firing on each other, causing many casualties until Rex realized they were all clones and stopped the fight. However, Waxer was shot and fatally wounded during the attack. He told Rex that General Krell had ordered them to attack. He shed a tear as he took his last breath and died from his injuries.

Waxer helped look after the displaced Twi'lek girl Numa, convincing Boil to do the same. He was observant, realizing that Numa thought they were droids and removing his helmet to prove otherwise. He was friendly and easygoing with the girl as they watched over her during the battle for Nabat. After helping to find Numa's parents during the Battle of Ryloth, Waxer added a drawing of Numa to his helmet before his death on Umbara.
Like all clone troopers, Waxer was 1.83 meters (6 feet) tall. He had a shaved head and a small goatee. He also had brown eyes and tan skin.
Waxer excelled in both armed and unarmed combat. Alongside his friend Boil, whom he met on Ryloth, Waxer was known for his infiltration and reconnaissance skills, which were essential in freeing Ryloth from the Separatists led by Wat Tambor. Waxer was also a skilled military tactician, eventually becoming a lieutenant and leading his own platoon during the Battle of Umbara.

During the Battle of Ryloth, Waxer wore Phase I clone trooper armor with custom markings painted in the orange color of the 212th Attack Battalion. During the Second Battle of Geonosis, he wore Advanced Recon Force Scout Trooper armor painted dark brown and orange to help him blend in with the deserts of the planet. By the time of the Battle of Umbara, he wore Phase II clone trooper armor that still had his custom orange markings. He also painted a small picture of Numa on the right side of his helmet, along with a series of tally marks.
Waxer used the standard issue DC-15A blaster carbine during the war. Like many other troopers on Umbara, Waxer wore macrobinoculars over his helmet visor during the battle for the dark planet.