
Boil was a clone trooper in the Grand Army of the Republic, specifically a member of Ghost Company during the Clone Wars conflict. Along with his fellow clone trooper, "Waxer," Boil was regarded as one of Ghost Company's most skilled soldiers.


Clone Wars

Boil decapitates a B1 battle droid during the siege of Hisseen.

During the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Boil, a clone trooper, fought for the Grand Army of the Republic. He was a part of the 212th Attack Battalion's Ghost Company, which was under the command of Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Clone Commander Cody. He formed a strong bond with Waxer, another trooper. Early in the conflict, Boil was in Waxer's squad for a mission to see if clone prisoners of war were being held on Krystar. He also participated in the siege of Hisseen, where he assisted in saving the Hisseenian parliament from battle droids.

Later, Ghost Company went to the planet Ryloth to liberate Twi'lek prisoners from the Separatist Droid Army. While scouting the deserted city of Nabat, Boil and Waxer encountered Numa, a young Twi'lek child who had been orphaned. She showed them that the rest of the city's population was being held captive in the city center by Separatist battle droids. Boil and the other soldiers of Ghost Company, led by General Kenobi, successfully freed the Twi'leks and destroyed the Separatists' proton cannons.

Boil in his Phase II armor with a blaster

Following the liberation of Ryloth, Boil and Waxer continued their service together. During the Second Battle of Geonosis, Commander Cody ordered the two clones to rescue General Kenobi after his Republic gunship was downed by Separatist forces. They accomplished their objective, evading enemy fire and retrieving the Jedi General, along with another survivor, the clone trooper "Trapper." Boil also participated in the Battle on Kiros as a member of Kenobi's 212th Attack Battalion.

As the war neared its end, Boil joined clone troopers Threepwood and Tracker, accompanying Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker in their search for Quinlan Vos, Count Dooku, and Asajj Ventress on Christophsis. After examining the crash site of the fugitives' ship, named Banshee, the Jedi and the clones concluded that the fugitives were still alive, but at least one had been injured. Shortly after, they launched an attack on the Separatist base located on the planet.


Years later, Numa, who had become a resistance fighter in the Free Ryloth Movement, wore a piece of armor on her left arm that bore the word "Boil" written in Aurebesh.

Personality and traits

Boil comforts Numa

Early in the Battle of Ryloth, Boil referred to the Twi'leks of the planet as 'tail-heads.' During the conflict, he formed a friendship with clone trooper Waxer. Boil soon began to assist and care for Numa, a displaced Twi'lek girl, after Waxer convinced him to do so. He was approachable and kind to her as they continued to protect her during the battle for Nabat. After assisting in the effort to locate Numa's parents during the Battle of Ryloth, Boil drew a picture of Numa on his helmet, which he kept for the duration of the war as a reminder of the little girl.

Like all clone troopers, Boil's height was 1.83 meters (or 6 feet). He had tan skin, brown eyes, and a goatee.

Skills and abilities

Boil was skilled in both armed and unarmed combat. He and his friend Waxer, whom he met on Ryloth, were well-known for their infiltration and reconnaissance abilities, which were essential to the liberation of Ryloth from the Separatists under the leadership of Wat Tambor.


Boil in his desert-camouflage ARF trooper armor

During the Battle of Ryloth, Boil wore Phase I clone trooper armor with custom markings painted in the orange color of the 212th Attack Battalion. At the Second Battle of Geonosis, he wore Advanced Recon Force Scout Trooper armor, painted in dark brown and orange for camouflage in the deserts of the planet. He also added a small image of Numa to the right side of his helmet. By the time of the Battle of Kiros, he was equipped with Phase II clone trooper armor, which still had some of his custom markings.

Boil used the standard DC-15A blaster carbine throughout the war.

Behind the Scenes

The character Boil was created for the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series and made his debut in the first season episode titled "Innocents of Ryloth," which was initially broadcast on March 6, 2009. Dee Bradley Baker provided the voice for Boil, as he did for all of the clones featured in the show.

