AV-7 Anti-vehicle Artillery Cannon

The AV-7 Anti-vehicle Artillery Cannon, also referenced as the AV-7 antivehicle cannon and more frequently known as the heavy cannon, represented a specific type of self-propelled artillery cannon utilized by the Galactic Republic throughout the Clone Wars. After being positioned utilizing its repulsorlift based locomotion, a solitary clone trooper had the capability to control the cannon by means of the gunnery controls situated on the flank of the main assembly. Republic forces employed these cannons during the Battle of Christophsis. The AV-7 cannons also saw deployment on the artillery decks of Venator-class Star Destroyers.


A clone trooper at the controls of a Venator-mounted AV-7

The AV-7 Anti-vehicle Artillery Cannon, which was additionally designated as the AV-7 mobile gun, the AV-7 anti-vehicle gun, or simply as the clone artillery gun, was a specific model of self-propelled artillery equipment that was operated by the Grand Army of the Republic during the period of the Clone Wars that saw the Galactic Republic in conflict with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Taim & Bak, a weapons manufacturing corporation, produced the AV-7 for a price of 14,000 credits when brand new, although the cost could diminish to as little as 8,000 credits for previously owned units. Each cannon possessed a height of 15.38 meters and necessitated only one clone gunner for operation. Given the self-propelled and automatic nature of the AV-7 artillery, the gunner's responsibilities were limited to artillery management, rather than direct gun control.

The AV-7 utilized a repulsorlift to move until it achieved a preferred firing location, at which point it would engage four strong metal legs for ground stabilization, even though it sometimes used the legs to move. The gunner's seat was positioned adjacent to the gun, though it could be located on either side. The cannon featured a long barrel, which launched plasma based ammunition with a considerable area of effect. The powerful plasma explosion generated by the plasma shot enabled a single shot to obliterate multiple vehicles in conjunction with any adjacent droids. However, it proved entirely ineffective against deflector shields. The Separatist Droid Army was primarily composed of mechanical soldiers, rendering the employment of plasma cartridges advantageous for the Grand Army of the Republic, which could destroy both the droids and their vehicles. The AV-7's distinctive silhouette, reminiscent of a mechanical octopus equipped with multiple legs and a long barrel on its upper portion, made it easily identifiable.


The AV-7 artillery cannon was widely deployed throughout the Clone Wars, generally as a support platform for ground-based troops. The AV-7 could be employed in mobile offensive operations or as a stationary weapon for the protection of military installations or cities.


AV-7 cannons participate in the Battle of Christophsis

During the Battle of Christophsis in the early stages of the Clone Wars, four AV-7 Anti-vehicle Artillery Cannons were put into action. These cannons were employed against the military forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which included Octuptarra tri-droids and Armored Assault Tank Mk Is. The AV-7s became ineffective once the Separatists activated their deflector shield generator. After Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano annihilated the generator, the AV-7s were able to halt the Separatist advance and secure victory for Republic forces. The cannons were utilized extensively throughout the war, notably during the Second Battle of Geonosis, where a significant number were destroyed by Separatist super tanks.

Although their use largely diminished following the emergence of the Galactic Empire, some AV-7s remained in service as mounted gun emplacements at Imperial spice mining facilities located on the planet Kessel.

