Clone gunners, also known as clone troopers specializing in heavy weapons, operated vehicle-mounted armaments or artillery. These troopers donned specific clone trooper armor throughout their service. These gunners participated in various conflicts against Separatist forces, notably the Battle of Christophsis and the Second Battle of Geonosis. Clone Sergeant Stew served on the Endurance and even instructed clone cadets from the Clone Youth Brigade on one occasion.

Clone troopers designated as clone gunners were experts in operating artillery, heavy ground-based weapons, and starship weaponry. Early in the war, these gunners utilized a modified version of the Phase I clone trooper armor featuring reinforced chest armor and noise-insulated helmets to mitigate the effects of weapon recoil and sound. Their standard shoulder armor was also replaced with sturdier pieces. Clone gunners commonly wore dark green reinforced armor with brownish helmet protection, though some used orange reinforced armor with matching orange helmet protection.
Armor modifications often reflected unit affiliations. For example, clone gunners within the 7th Sky Corps personalized their armor with orange and brown desert camouflage. Clone gunners from a tank division's ground squadron fighting alongside the 104th Battalion adorned their armor with dark colors and a stylized creature mouth on their helmets.
As the Republic Military adopted the Phase II clone trooper armor, clone gunners received the upgraded clone trooper armor. One armor variant included helmet enhancements, a large chest plate, and a right shoulder pauldron. Clone majors were issued this particular Phase II clone gunner armor. Another Phase II armor type was a direct improvement upon the previous armor, retaining the helmet insulation and reinforced chest and shoulder protection.

Within the Grand Army of the Republic, clone gunners operated the primary turret cannon of All Terrain Tactical Enforcers, specifically the Firefont 04 mass driver cannons. They also operated AV-7 Anti-vehicle Artillery Cannons in numerous engagements, alongside the light laser cannon turret or KB-50a beam cannon mounted on TX-130 Saber-class fighter tanks.
Clone gunners also formed the crews of HAVw A6 Juggernauts, serving under the command of the Juggernaut's clone major. In the Republic Navy, clone gunners manned capital ship weapon turrets, defending their vessels from enemy starfighter attacks.
Early in the Clone Wars, clone gunners fought for the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, including participation in the Battle of Christophsis. During that battle, four clone gunners, each manning an AV-7 artillery piece, held off Separatist forces with support from ground troops and tanks from the 501st Legion and 7th Sky Corps, under the leadership of Jedi Generals Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Later, gunners joined the Battle of Teth with the 501st's Torrent Company, operating the cannons of two All Terrain Tactical Enforcers. Both gunners were killed during the battle; one when his walker was destroyed, and the other after being ejected from the cannon and falling to his death.
During the Battle of Bothawui, General Skywalker's naval task force deployed a large number of AT-TE walkers within the asteroid field surrounding the planet Bothawui. From there, the walkers and their gunners ambushed General Grievous' Separatist fleet, securing a Republic victory.
Clone gunners once again participated in the Battle of Ryloth, where AT-TE walkers from the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps were used to liberate the Twi'lek homeworld. Gunners later fought in a battle on Felucia, where Republic forces divided into two tank groups, including AT-TE walkers and a HAVw A6 Juggernaut, were overwhelmed and trapped by Separatist ground units. The 104th Battalion evacuated the surviving Republic forces using gunships. During the Battle of Devaron, three gunners manned the cannons of AT-TE walkers deployed atop a Separatist Munificent-class star frigate in an attempt to rescue Jedi Master Bolla Ropal. One walker was destroyed during the boarding action, killing its gunner.
Clone gunners played a significant role in the Second Battle of Geonosis, operating the cannons of numerous AT-TEs deployed by the 7th Sky Corps, the 501st Legion, and a special forces battalion. Gunners from the 7th's 212th Recon Division utilized desert camouflage and provided fire support from their walkers while defending Point Rain from being overrun. The 501st's walkers were destroyed, and the special forces battalion's tanks were diverted from the main battle after encountering obstacles. After regrouping at Point Rain and repelling the Separatist advance, the encircling tanks were deployed to destroy a nearby deflector shield generator. Once the 501st created an opening, the gunners on several AT-TEs fired upon the structure, destroying it.
Later, Republic forces laid siege to the Separatist primary droid foundry, advancing with troop columns and AT-TEs, and AV-7s were called to the front lines. After the area was temporarily secured, the gunners engaged Separatist super tanks being deployed from the foundry. However, the cannons of the gunners had no effect on the tanks, and they were all destroyed and killed by Separatist forces. Despite these losses, the Republic forces ultimately prevailed.
Clone gunner Stew served on the Endurance. With the introduction of Phase II clone trooper armor, clone gunners transitioned to using the new equipment.