The TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank, alternatively known as the Republic Fighter Tank, represented a swift, lightly armored hovertank. Rothana Heavy Engineering produced this vehicle, which saw service with the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Later, it was also utilized by both the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic within the Imperial Era. Its armament included a pair of heavy laser cannons, a set of ordnance launchers, and a top-mounted turret.

The Rothana Heavy Engineering-manufactured TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank was a light hovertank. The TX-130 was considered to be a fast and agile armored combat vehicle, able to rapidly engage, inflict substantial damage, and disengage safely. Because of this capacity, it was sometimes compared to the Delta-7 Aethersprite-class starfighter.
The TX-130 boasted a flexible array of weaponry. Its primary armament consisted of two linked heavy laser cannons affixed to the hull. While these cannons had a limited forward firing arc, the TX-130's maneuverability allowed them to be readily aimed at enemy targets. Furthermore, the TX-130 could be equipped with either a dual medium laser cannon turret on top, or a Taim & Bak KB-50a beam cannon. Some models lacked the top-mounted weapon entirely.
Additionally, the TX-130 utilized rapid-firing ordnance launcher systems mounted on each of its sponsons. These launchers could deploy Armor-Piercing Shells, "Bunker Buster" shells, or High-Energy shells. The TX-130 tanks were equipped with light ablative armor that provided protection against light anti-vehicle weapons and enhanced survivability, which was further improved by a fast-cycling shield generator.
The TX-130 required a crew of two pilots, a vehicle commander, and a gunner. An astromech droid could also be used. It could also transport two passengers. It had a cargo capacity of 20 tons, and a price tag of 85,000 credits.

The TX-130 tank was constructed to provide support for infantry, engage lightly armored enemy vehicles, and escort friendly units. The TX-130's diverse arsenal allowed Republic Military and Jedi officers to employ a variety of tactics. They were also used in anti-armor and anti-fortification roles thanks to their heavier weapons. A group of TX-130 Saber-class fighter tanks was called a squadron, while a larger group was referred to as a platoon. The TX-130 was designed to be as tactically flexible as a starfighter, making it rapid and agile.

The Galactic Republic's Grand Army deployed the TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank early in the Clone Wars. These new vehicles saw action at the First Battle of Geonosis, which initiated the war against the Separatist Alliance. On Geonosis, the TX-130 was available for use by Jedi to command their new clone [trooper](/article/trooper] forces. Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and [Kit Fisto]((/article/kit_fisto) may have used the tank if they did not remain on foot. The swift TX-130 tanks were used to great effect during the Clone Wars, and the arrival of a squadron sometimes saved clone trooper units. The combination of speed and firepower made the tank a favorite among clone troopers and tank crews.
During the war, Jedi Generals Plo Koon and Aayla Secura both piloted a TX-130 at some point. At least one TX-130 participated in a battle on a snowy surface alongside clone cold assault troopers of the 501st Legion. In another instance, a TX-130 used a beam cannon to engage B1-series battle droids and B2-series super battle droids in a desert. When the Republic transformed into the Galactic Empire, the TX-130 remained in service with the Imperial Army. During the Imperial Era, the Alliance to Restore the Republic also acquired TX-130s. Rebel commanders highly desired them, and the Alliance attempted to increase its inventory with salvaged hulls and operational tanks. Mercenary companies also operated TX-130 tanks.

The TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank made its initial canon appearance in the Star Wars Rebels: Imperial Heist video game. Later, it was integrated into the 2017 video game Star Wars Battlefront II through the 2019 "Where are those Droidekas?" update, which was released on June 26. Unlocking it requires 800 battle points.
The TX-130's Star Wars Legends debut occurred in the 2002 video game Star Wars: The Clone Wars, where it was featured as a playable vehicle during the story campaign. Information from this game, including the possibility of Windu using the TX-130 at the First Battle of Geonosis, was later incorporated as canon in the encyclopedia "Prologue to the Clone Wars and the First Battle of Geonosis."