The 212th Recon Division functioned as a component of the 212th Attack Battalion, which was a part of the Grand Army of the Republic. This division, led by Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, was involved in the Second Battle of Geonosis when the forces of the Galactic Republic launched an invasion of the planet in an effort to re-establish control.
To excel in clandestine missions operating deep within enemy territory, the 212th Recon Division was equipped with Phase I ARF armor. They utilized versatile All-terrain vehicles, including the All Terrain Reconnaissance Transport and the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer, for mobility. During the Second Battle of Geonosis, the division utilized desert camouflage to effectively blend in with the planet's arid desert terrain. Notably, Troopers Waxer and Boil of Ghost Company served within the 212th Recon Division during this engagement.
The initial appearance of the 212th Recon Division occurred in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Landing at Point Rain," although it was not explicitly identified by name at that time. Its designation was first revealed in a community transmissions post featured on the Star Wars Battlefront website.