In 21 BBY during the Clone Wars, a battle unfolded close to the planet of Dorin. This conflict saw Galactic Republic starfighter squadrons, under the leadership of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker alongside his Padawan, Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, clash with Confederacy of Independent Systems military forces. These Separatist units were commanded by the Kaleesh Separatist Supreme Commander, General Grievous. The intention behind Grievous's offensive was to divert Republic troops, preventing them from reaching the planet Geonosis, the location of a newly discovered droid factory that the Republic had learned about.
Grievous's forces were ultimately defeated by the Republic starfighter squadrons, resulting in the destruction of at least 131 Separatist units. Following their triumph near Dorin, Skywalker and his Padawan proceeded to Geonosis to participate in the Republic's second invasion of that planet.
The battle that occurred near Dorin was initially alluded to in "Landing at Point Rain," which served as the fifth episode within the second season of the animated television show, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It was broadcast on November 4, 2009. Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, the Battle of Dorin was first mentioned in an article that was released on on November 3, 2009. The battle was later fully depicted and named in Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures, a video game that LucasArts released in 2010.