The Sony Online Entertainment-developed massively multiplayer online game, Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures, was set in the Star Wars universe. It was a part of the larger Star Wars: The Clone Wars multimedia project and was initially revealed to the public on June 1, 2010. While the core game was offered as a free-to-play experience, a subscription-based "Jedi" membership unlocked premium features like lightsaber access and character customization options. Furthermore, players had the option to acquire in-game items using Station Cash, the virtual currency system employed by Sony Online Entertainment.
Clone Wars Adventures commenced its open beta phase in August of 2010. Players could initially select from three playable species: Human, Clone, and Twi'lek. The official launch of the game occurred on September 15, 2010. Upon release, the Zabrak species became available for accounts holding a Jedi membership. Due to the game's popularity, Topps created a trading card game, Card Commander, inspired by it. Sony announced on January 24, 2014, that Clone Wars Adventures would cease operations on March 31 of the same year. Leading up to the closure, all players were granted Jedi Member status, and the majority of items in the Station Cash store were priced at just 1 Station Cash.
Players could socialize and engage with beloved characters from the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series in this social hub and minigame collection. New players began their journey on the starter planet of Ryloth. Players were tasked with defeating a group of droids and then would meet many of the iconic characters from the series to learn how to play a few of the many minigames in this game. Depending on the objectives achieved, players earned trophies. Players had the ability to personalize their in-game homes, acquire creatures and droids as pets, purchase and wear different outfits, and, with a Jedi membership, alter their character's appearance or species. A number of outfits for characters were exclusively available to Jedi Members, or could be purchased with Station Cash, the in-game currency used for items, similar to other Sony games. Typically, new content was added on a weekly basis.
A new combat zone inspired by the Star Wars: The Clone Wars Umbara storyline was introduced in an update on December 15, 2011. The Battle of Umbara featured open-world PvE combat, offering two abilities: a standard blaster attack and, exclusively for Jedi Members, a Force push ability. It had four challenges, an airfield mission, and three bunkers. On August 24, a new combat zone was added in an update called "Skirmish on Carlac." Like the Battle of Umbara combat zone, this featured three camps and a captured village to battle in. On April 5, 2013, the game was updated to have the planet Felucia as a combat zone. Unlike other combat zones, Felucia had no challenges. It introduced mission tokens, a special form of currency for buying certain items. This currency could only be obtained by completing missions on Felucia. Since Felucia had no challenges, there was a Separatist base, Yorn Nuro and his gang of pirates, a sarlacc pit, and the rancor, Scratch's cave. A mission terminal, clone commando Boss, and Captain Carg offered players missions. Completion of missions gave players mission tokens and Republic Credits.
The game introduced a Battle Classes system on September 28, 2012, enabling players to participate in various activities to gain experience points and level up. Four Battle classes were available: Trooper, Mercenary, Sith, and Jedi. The Trooper class was accessible to all players from the start, while Jedi Members received the Jedi Battle Class at no cost. The Sith and Mercenary classes were available for purchase in the in-game store using Station Cash, with Jedi Members receiving a discounted price. Later on, specialty classes were added to the game. These included Scoundrel, which was leveled up by playing Card Commander and Card Assault; Technician, which was leveled up at Technician Workstation; and Exile, like the original battle classes you had to kill enemies to rank up.
Sony Online Entertainment made the announcement on January 24, 2014, that they would be discontinuing four MMORPGs, including this one, on March 31. The other three games affected were Free Realms, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, and Wizardry Online.
The games were shut down on March 31, 2014, rendering them unplayable from that point forward.