The Nantex-class territorial defense starfighter, also known as the Geonosian starfighter, or simply the Nantex-class starfighter, was a starfighter shaped like a needle. It was built by the Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective and utilized by the natives of Geonosis. Throughout the Clone Wars, numerous units were used to protect the droid factories belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

The Nantex-class starfighter, a territorial defense vehicle, was produced by the Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective on Geonosis. It could fly both in the atmosphere and in the vacuum of space. The cockpit was positioned on the top of the vehicle. Its bubble canopy provided the single pilot with a 360-degree view. These agile starfighters featured a streamlined, needle-like front end, with a laser cannon located between the front prongs. This cannon fired purple lasers and could rotate to shoot in nearly a full circle. For precise aiming, the fighter employed one hundred small tractor beam projectors, which also enabled grappling with enemy vessels at close quarters. Despite having a relatively small engine, these ships were very quick, reaching speeds of 746 miles per hour in atmospheric flight. Moreover, they were adorned with green markings similar to those found on the pygmy porlceetin, a large, poisonous creature native to Geonosis.

The primary defense craft used by the Geonosians of Geonosis was the Nantex-class starfighter. During the First Battle of Geonosis, numerous units were deployed, including two that served as escorts for Count Dooku on his speeder as he attempted to reach his solar sailer. Throughout the Clone Wars, these fighters were used to defend the planet's droid factories and were associated with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Nantex-class fighters participated in the Second Battle of Geonosis.