Pygmy porlceetin

The pygmy porlceetin was a sizable, six-legged, poisonous beast that was indigenous to the Outer Rim world of Geonosis. These creatures possessed green patterns which they utilized to ambush their food and avoid possible hunters. Certain Nantex-class starfighters used by the sapient Geonosians displayed green accents that mirrored the patterns seen on porlceetins. The Galactic Empire rendered Geonosis sterile circa 9 BBY.

Behind the scenes

Within current Star Wars canon, the earliest mention of pygmy porlceetins occurred in the 2018 reference guide Star Wars: Complete Vehicles. That part of the book that mentions porlceetins was a copy of a section taken from the 2002 reference book Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Incredible Cross-Sections, penned by Curtis Saxton, which represented the creature's initial appearance in the Star Wars Legends continuity.


Notes and references
