Clone Commander whose designation was "Doom" commanded a squad of clone troopers while working in conjunction with Jedi Generals Tiplar and Tiplee. They were equipped with a unique version of the M3 Bulwark Blast Shields. Furthermore, soldiers within this squad carried Z-6 rotary blaster cannons in addition to Electro Magnetic Pulse grenades.

During 19 BBY, the Galactic Republic engaged the Separatists in combat on the ring-shaped space station orbiting the planet Ringo Vinda. The squad, under the leadership of Jedi Generals Tiplar and Tiplee along with Clone Commander Doom, advanced into battle, fighting alongside the 501st Legion. The battle took a heavy toll on the squad, significantly reducing its numbers. To resolve the stalemate, the Republic launched an all-out offensive against the Separatists, successfully gaining access to the communications center.
Inside, they formulated a strategy to capture the Separatist command center. ARC trooper CT-5555, known as "Fives", and CT-5385, called "Tup", were instructed to gather ten soldiers to augment Doom's squad as they moved forward. However, as Republic forces arrived at the command center, Tup entered a trance and, before anyone could react, fatally shot Tiplar.
Following Tiplar's assassination, the clone troopers lost their forward drive, and droid reinforcements appeared. Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker gave the order to pull back as Tup was taken into custody and removed from the area.