The Ruusan system, a star system situated within the Teraab sector of the galaxy's Mid Rim, was positioned at coordinate P-11 on the Standard Galactic Grid and encompassed the planet Ruusan. During 22 BBY of the Clone Wars, Skytop Station, a clandestine listening post operated by the Separatist faction, was established on one of the planet's three moons. Furthermore, a battle transpired between Republic](/article/galactic_republic) and Separatist forces within this system during the same conflict, leaving behind the debris of various starships that persisted throughout the subsequent Imperial Era.
Following the Battle of Hoth, Ruusan became the destination for a number of bounty hunters seeking Nakano Lash, who was safeguarding Cadeliah, the successor to both the Mourner's Wail and Unbroken Clan crime syndicates. Beilert Valance and T'onga, two of these hunters, pursued Lash and Cadeliah into the system's orbital wreckage, where they engaged in a confrontation with Boba Fett. During the skirmish, Boba Fett shot T'onga and left Lash for dead. T'onga was subsequently brought to Ruusan for medical attention, where she recuperated from her injuries and was eventually rescued by her spouse, Losha Tarkon.