Dellex, a cyborg of female designation, held the rank of Storm within the Nihil marauder organization during the High Republic Era. Plagued by a persistent feeling of unattractiveness, she channeled her resources into acquiring gleaming mechanical enhancements, hoping to achieve beauty. For a significant period, she served under Kassav Milliko within his Tempest; Milliko, despite her self-perceived flaws, even harbored a certain attraction towards her. He observed, however, that her augmentations did little to improve her personality, and he considered her a dangerous individual.
In 232 BBY, she participated in several operations as part of Milliko's Tempest, including a mission to Eriadu, a planet, where they attempted to coerce the local government by ostensibly saving them from an Emergence of hyperspace debris resulting from the Great Hyperspace Disaster. Their actions, however, inadvertently triggered the Emergence's contact with the planet, leading to immense loss of life. Consequently, the Eriaduans vowed vengeance against Milliko and his crew. Later, Dellex fought in the Battle of Kur, where she faced a joint task force dispatched by both the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order, as well as an Eriaduan flotilla of Eriaduan cruisers. Despite the Nihil's deployment of brutal and ruthless tactics, they were ultimately defeated by the Republic's forces. Dellex was among the last survivors aboard Milliko's flagship, the New Elite, when Eriaduan soldiers boarded the vessel, exacting their revenge by executing all those present.