Raven's Peak Sky Rail

The Raven's Peak Sky Rail system was comprised of high-speed sky rails that were suspended from rail lines situated on the planet of Eriadu. During the Imperial Era, it served as a means of transportation to Raven's Peak, the location of the compound belonging to Governor Wilhuff Tarkin. The Raven's Peak Rail Line's sky rails consisted of two box-shaped cars on parallel tracks, which transported troops in a back-and-forth manner. Around the time of 18 BBY, Clone Force 99 executed an infiltration of Raven's Peak by way of the sky rail, after having first deactivated its sensor systems.


The sky rail system at Raven's Peak was made up of a network of rapid, dual-car sky trains that traveled along two reinforced rail lines that were suspended from the mountains surrounding the Raven's Peak fortress on the planet of Eriadu. A complex assembly of powered, interlocking gears which rotated connected the trains to the track, thus enabling movement along the sky line. A number of maintenance depots were positioned on the support pylons of the sky line, providing convenient access to the line's computer systems.

The rail line's starting point was located at the small starfighter depot situated on the lower slopes of the mountain, which also housed two observation posts that overlooked the valley below. From that point, the line was largely suspended in the air until it arrived at a station within the hangar level of the fortress itself, although in certain areas, it came into close proximity with nearby mountaintops. These sections of the line were outfitted with military-grade perimeter sensors that had the capability to detect organic movement in the vicinity, serving as a deterrent to potential hijackers.

Behind the scenes

The Raven's Peak Sky Rail made its initial appearance in the animated television series Star Wars: The Bad Batch during the fifteenth episode of the second season, entitled "The Summit." Subsequently, it was featured in the sixteenth and concluding episode of the season, "Plan 99." Both of these episodes were released on Disney+ on March 29, 2023.

