Plan 99 (episode)

title: Plan 99

"Plan 99," the concluding episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch's second season, marks its place as the sixteenth installment. This episode, along with its predecessor "The Summit," debuted on March 29, 2023 via the Disney+ streaming platform.

Official description

The mettle of our heroes faces its ultimate test.

Plot summary

Sacrifice and escape

Above the planet Eriadu, the Bad Batch are poised to leap from the hijacked rail car. TK stormtroopers in the adjacent car launch an assault. Hunter requests Echo to reactivate the rail car, but Echo reports that the explosions have disabled its power. Tech volunteers to reboot the system, specifying the need to interface with a trackside terminal. Hunter assigns the other clones to provide cover while he and Tech ascend to the terminal. The pair struggles to reach the top of the rail car. Tech gains access to the control panel. Wrecker and Omega neutralize stormtroopers targeting Tech.

At Tarkin's compound, the lieutenant informs Governor Wilhuff Tarkin of six confirmed explosions and numerous casualties. Upon hearing that insurgents are barricaded on the rail line, Tarkin demands air support to eliminate them. Dismissing the lieutenant's concerns about friendly fire, Tarkin reiterates his orders. Barton Coburn observes with apprehension.

Three stormtroopers board their V-wing starfighters and head for the rail line. Hunter warns Tech to expedite his work upon spotting the approaching starships. The starfighters damage the rail car, but Tech successfully restores power. As the starfighters prepare for another pass, Hunter shoots down one, causing it to crash. A second starfighter targets Tech. Despite reaching their carriage, the V-wing strikes the rear, causing it to detach. Tech falls, using his grappling cable to cling to the dangling carriage. Tech attempts to climb back up, but stormtroopers in the adjacent car fire at their carriage. The damage from the starfighters causes the Bad Batch's carriage to separate from the rail. Hunter instructs Wrecker to pull Tech to safety, but Tech warns against it, citing the potential for both carriages to fall. As more V-wings approach, Tech urges his comrades to sever the connection. Wrecker objects, but Tech initiates Plan 99 as the carriage breaks apart. Tech questions their past obedience to orders before shooting the hinge. Wrecker and Omega react with grief as Tech and the carriage plummet.

Tech's sacrifice allows their car to speed past the enemy rail car. The uncontrolled rail car crashes into the next station. Hunter orders the Bad Batch to evacuate. Omega awakens in the wreckage, suffering from a leg injury and losing consciousness. Hunter and Wrecker rescue Omega, fleeing from pursuing stormtroopers. Omega drifts in and out of consciousness as the Bad Batch evacuates her on the Marauder. Due to Omega's injuries, Hunter intends to take her to Ord Mantell for treatment by AZI-3.

A time for grief

Later, Omega finds Hunter at her bedside. AZI is attending to her, relieved that she is awake. He states that the clones have sustained injuries but will recover fully with treatment and rest. Wrecker, wearing a neck brace, hugs Omega, relieved she is alright. Omega recalls the rail car incident and inquires about Tech. Hunter informs her that Tech did not survive. Omega is devastated by Tech's death and begins to cry.

Wrecker and AZI depart, allowing Hunter to console Omega. Hunter assures Omega that Tech's sacrifice will not be in vain. When Omega questions his meaning, Hunter explains that the galaxy has changed and that he and Wrecker believe Pabu could be a good place to start a new life. He asks for her opinion. When Omega smiles, Hunter decides that this is what they will do.

Cid's betrayal

At Cid's Parlor, Ciddarin Scaleback offers Wrecker a free drink to console him for Tech's loss. Cid expresses sympathy for "Goggles," stating that she liked him. On the Marauder, Gonky alerts Echo to the arrival of an Imperial Venator-class Star Destroyer. Echo attempts to contact the Bad Batch but finds that their communications are blocked.

At Cid's Parlor, Cid reveals to Wrecker that she betrayed them to the Galactic Empire, claiming their activities are detrimental to her business. Shortly after, clone commandos enter the parlor and shoot Wrecker. The blasts are ineffective and Wrecker attacks them. Hunter and Omega hear the commotion. Clone commandos reach the door, but Hunter locks it. He instructs Omega to use the underground mining tunnels to reach the spaceport and find Echo while he assists Wrecker. Omega protests that Hunter is injured and unfit to fight. Hunter insists that Omega and AZI must leave, reiterating it as an order.

After Omega and AZI descend into the tunnel, Omega tells AZI that she is unwilling to abandon Hunter and Wrecker. She convinces AZI to accompany her. Inside the parlor, Hunter faces Doctor Royce Hemlock and his clone commandos, who have captured Wrecker. Hemlock, thanking Cid for her assistance, orders her to leave, noting that Hunter is outnumbered. A remorseful Cid departs. Meanwhile, Omega and AZI move through the ventilation shafts above the parlor.

Hemlock offers to spare Hunter and Wrecker's lives in exchange for Omega. Holding his blaster pistol, Hunter refuses. Hemlock expresses amusement at Hunter's protectiveness before mentioning Tech's death. He presents Hunter with Tech's damaged goggles as a "gift," discussing the psychological impact of Tech's death on Hunter. Hemlock threatens to execute Wrecker if Hunter does not surrender. Hunter reluctantly lowers his weapon and clutches Tech's goggles. Omega observes from above as clone commandos stuncuff Hunter. A clone commando reports that Omega is not in Cid's office. Hunter claims that she is gone and will not return. Hemlock replies that they will see.

Omega's capture

Omega and AZI reach the roof of Cid's Parlor. She tasks AZI with finding Echo while she attempts to delay the Imperials. As civilians flee, Hemlock leads his troops and prisoners through the streets of Ord Mantell. Omega fires her energy bow at the convoy. Hemlock orders his clone commandos to stand down and addresses Omega. Omega demands the release of Hunter and Wrecker. Hunter urges Omega to flee but is restrained.

As Omega aims her energy bow, Hemlock proposes a trade: her surrender for the safety of her friends. Hemlock claims that Nala Se needs her assistance. Hunter warns that they are lying and that the Empire killed the Kaminoans. Hemlock insists that Nala Se is alive and well, promising Omega's safety. Omega refuses. Hunter tries to warn her, but Omega is stunned by Scorch. Hemlock orders his troops to search for the third clone and bring them to Eriadu for interrogation by Tarkin.

AZI finds Echo and tells him that Imperial troopers are everywhere and they cannot sneak past them. Echo suggests they do the opposite. The two hijack an All Terrain Armored Cannon to attack Hemlock's forces. Hunter and Wrecker exploit the chaos to escape. Hemlock and other clone commandos depart with the unconscious Omega. Echo's walker is cornered by a second AT-AC, which damages its leg. Echo and AZI flee their wrecked transport and rejoin Hunter and Wrecker. They decide to stop Hemlock's shuttle from leaving.

The Bad Batch engage in a firefight with Imperial forces but fail to prevent Hemlock from escaping with Omega. The Bad Batch escape Ord Mantell in the Marauder. In space, Echo admits that tracking Hemlock's ship is impossible. Hunter vows to rescue Omega and never stop searching for her.

Captivity and reunion

Hemlock's shuttle arrives at the Tantiss Base on Mount Tantiss with Omega. They are met by Clone Commandos escorting Scalder and Nala Se. Hemlock sends Scalder and the Commandos to take Omega to Emerie Karr for medical care. Hemlock speaks with Nala Se, reminding her of Prime Minister [Lama Su]'s mention of her affection for Omega and urging her to reconsider working on the Emperor's project. Nala Se claims that what he desires is impossible. Hemlock threatens Omega's suffering if she fails.

Scalder and the Clone Commandos lead Omega into a laboratory filled with Clone troopers on operating beds. Omega sees humanoid shapes in storage tanks and recognizes Crosshair on a bed. Karr speaks to Omega. When Omega asks what she did to Crosshair, she explains that she tried to warn him about the consequences of not cooperating with Hemlock. When Omega demands to speak with Nala Se, Karr finds it ironic that Omega trusts the Kaminoan but not her. When Omega says she does not know who Karr is, Karr reveals that she and Omega are sisters.


