Raven's Peak

Raven's Peak, alternatively known as Tarkin's compound, was a strongly reinforced complex under the ownership of Governor Wilhuff Tarkin on Eriadu, his home planet. Around 18 BBY, it functioned as the location for a significant Imperial summit involving the Empire's lead scientist and senior officers to deliberate on the future of the galaxy. However, Clone Force 99 and Saw Gerrera's Partisans launched an assault on the compound; the latter group installed thermal detonators throughout the complex and triggered them, resulting in the destruction of the entire facility except for the command spire.



Raven's Peak was an Imperial fortress situated on a mountain on Eriadu, the capital planet of the Seswenna sector and the native world of Governor Wilhuff Tarkin. It comprised several structures integrated into the mountain's rock, along with a tower extending from its summit. The facility, informally called Tarkin's compound, featured heavy defenses and could only be accessed via air or a specialized a dedicated sky rail system that linked the main complex to the Raven's Peak starfighter depot. The sole entry point to the complex was a heavily guarded hangar located on the lowest level of the facility, directly connected to the rail line terminal.

Landing bay

The compound's landing bay was a vast, cave-like space protected by TK stormtroopers who also maintained stationed vessels, inspected them for homing beacons, and loaded supplies and armaments. An observation room oversaw the landing bay, staffed by an officer and a pair of Imperial weapons technicians who managed the arrival and departure of starships, verified their authorization codes, and monitored the area's security systems. In total, the landing bay had the capacity to accommodate at least five Rho-class Transport Shuttles and one Alpha-3 V-wing starfighter in a landed state.

Sky rail line

Besides the landing bay, the only other means of reaching the facility was a sky rail line that stretched from a base station, also serving as a starfighter depot, to a terminal adjacent to the Raven's Peak hangars. Specialized rail cars, suspended from the rails, traveled along the line, using powered cogs to move between the base station and the terminal. The system used two parallel lines, each capable of operating independently in the event of a mechanical issue; control of the line was available through various control stations positioned within the support pylons of the line. To prevent unauthorized access, perimeter sensors were strategically placed in areas where the line approached the ground.

Command tower

Raven's Peak played host to several high-ranking Imperial officers

The command tower served as the facility's central point, featuring a heavily reinforced conference room situated directly on the mountain peak. The conference table acted as the room's centerpiece and supported a holoprojector. Six chairs surrounded the table, with one having a higher back, reserved for Governor Tarkin. The room included a large window offering a view of the valley below; both the window and the chamber's entrance could be sealed with double blast door capable of withstanding a bomb attack. The tower's isolation from the rest of the complex was intended to protect its occupants even if Raven's Peak was completely destroyed.

Control station

Within the main complex, a control station monitored all aspects of the site's security, including the corridor security cameras and perimeter sensors. Weapons technicians staffed the station, capable of rerouting power as needed or alerting on-site security in the event of a perimeter breach.

