"The Summit": This is the fifteenth installment of the second season of the animated show Star Wars: The Bad Batch. It was released on Disney+ alongside the season's sixteenth and concluding episode, "Plan 99," specifically on March 29, 2023.
On Pabu, Tech updates the Bad Batch on his search through Republic and Imperial files for details regarding the Advanced Science Division. He hasn't found much about Crosshair's whereabouts or Dr. Royce Hemlock. Echo then tells the others that Hemlock is scheduled to attend a conference at Governor Wilhuff Tarkin's facility, Raven's Peak, on Eriadu in two rotations. Echo suggests they plant a homing beacon on Hemlock's vessel to locate Hemlock's base and Crosshair.
Hunter expresses doubt due to their disadvantage. Tech argues that Crosshair is family, and Omega agrees. Wrecker also shows support. Hunter inquires about reinforcements. Echo responds that Rex is busy and states that their team is sufficient to infiltrate and extract without raising alarms, but they must act swiftly. Hunter approves the plan.
Before their departure, Omega informs Phee Genoa about their secret mission. Genoa says she wants all the details when they return and then tells Tech that the Bad Batch are leaving without saying goodbye. Genoa advises Tech to avoid pirates and mercenaries, emphasizing the importance of communication. Genoa implies feelings for Tech before leaving. Tech boards the Marauder as it starts its engines.
Meanwhile, Hemlock's Imperial light cruiser arrives above Eriadu, a planet covered in clouds. Hemlock travels to a mountainside base in a Rho-class transport shuttle. After landing, shock troopers greet him and escort him to a meeting with Governor Tarkin and other Imperial officials. Tarkin notes Hemlock's lateness, and the scientist explains that he had important matters to attend to.
While in hyperspace, Tech informs his comrades that he has found a suitable landing spot on Eriadu outside of sensor range. When Hunter asks how they will avoid the Imperial cruisers, Echo reveals that he has a clearance code acquired from a contact. Wrecker thanks Echo. As they leave hyperspace, Hunter assigns Wrecker to the tail gun as a precaution. The Imperial cruisers clear the Marauder for landing under the designation "Vessel 1143."
The Marauder lands near the edge of the base in Eriadu's cloudy, mountainous area. The Bad Batch move through a forest. Omega asks if they will use a side-wind breach, which Tech mentions worked on Raxus, but Echo says that the Empire has updated security protocols. Hunter warns Wrecker against using explosives.
They approach a sensor near a rail line leading to Tarkin's base. Echo and the Bad Batch observe the base's defenses. Echo points out that the base is heavily fortified, but they could enter via the rail line. Tech states he can disable the sensor for 30 seconds, requiring precision. Tech uses a grappling cable to reach the sensor platform, opens the control panel, and temporarily disables the sensor, causing Imperial technicians to detect a malfunction in sensor 38-11. The lieutenant orders a feed recycle.
With the sensor down, the Bad Batch use grappling cables to board the rail carriage. Meanwhile, the Imperial officer orders a system diagnostic. Wrecker avoids looking down due to his fear of heights. After reaching the base, the Bad Batch eliminate three stormtrooper sentries, who fall over the balcony.
Inside Tarkin's conference room, Hurst Romodi suggests a phased deployment of stormtroopers to secure all sectors. Tarkin disagrees, advocating a strategy for galactic unification to prevent dissent and "self-interest." Tarkin then asks Hemlock about the progress of the Advanced Science Division with cloning. Hemlock claims their cloning advances are of interest to Emperor Palpatine. He wants to unlock the Kaminoan secrets to create an enlightened society using advanced technology. Tarkin asks about the timeline and expresses concern about the funding.
Hemlock replies that science cannot be rushed and says he has found a new purpose for the decommissioned clone troopers, describing them as test subjects. When Romodi asks if the clones have consented to his experimentation, Hemlock replies that the clones are Imperial property and consent is not required. Romodi warns that many in the Imperial Senate support clone rights, and news of his experiments could hurt their cause. Hemlock responds that his location and operations are hidden from the Senate. Barton Coburn warns Hemlock that the clones are cunning and loyal warriors and questions casting them aside.
Tarkin counters that he finds clones unpredictable and criticizes the Jedi for individuality. Coburn asks what will happen if the clones learn about the experiments and rebel. Hemlock acknowledges that some already have, and Tarkin adds that the Empire will take swift action against any clone uprisings. Tarkin then asks Commander Orson Callan Krennic about Project Stardust, which Krennic addresses.
Meanwhile, the Bad Batch enter the hangar bay. When Omega asks about Hemlock's ship, Echo explains they need the manifest from the control room. Hunter tasks Tech and Echo with accompanying him and Omega and Wrecker with planting the homing beacon. Hunter and his team fight into the control room, stunning two stormtroopers. Back in the hangar, Omega and Wrecker learn from Tech that Hemlock's shuttle is at docking lane four. Omega plants the homing beacon on the shuttle's landing struts, using a cargo sled for cover. Wrecker warns Omega about incoming stormtroopers.
With Omega pinned down, Echo creates a diversion by using the magnetic crane to lift a parked V-wing starfighter and slam it against cargo boxes. This distracts the guards, allowing Omega an opening. She is detected by a mouse droid, but Wrecker destroys it. In the control room, the technician informs his lieutenant about the crane malfunction and offline surveillance systems in Sector 4. The lieutenant dispatches a squad to secure the rail line.
Meanwhile, Hunter and Tech discover another deactivated quadrant of the surveillance system. Tech feels uneasy and wants to leave. However, Hunter finds an active thermal explosive and realizes someone is targeting Tarkin's base. Tech adds that one charge will not destroy the base. Saw Gerrera and a Partisan surprise the clones, having infiltrated the base disguised as stormtroopers. Gerrera notices that the Bad Batch have made a choice since their last meeting on Onderon. When Hunter asks about his plan, Gerrera reveals his plan to destroy the base and the Imperial officers inside.
Hunter tells Gerrera to stop the plan since they are tracking an Imperial officer to rescue imprisoned clone troopers. Gerrera refuses to call off the operation since he is fighting his own war against the Empire. Tech asks him to consider the implications of destroying any chance of gathering intelligence that could aid his cause. Gerrera counters that assassinating Imperial commanders would be beneficial. Tech counters that this is a short-term victory since their ranks can be easily replenished. Gerrera responds that sacrifices are necessary.
His female Partisan companion warns Gerrera that they have to leave since a security team has been alerted. The two parties are attacked by stormtrooper sentries but shoot one of their attackers before retreating down a corridor. To aid their escape, they damage pipes which release smoke and electrocute their pursuers with a EMP grenade. Tech also uses a stormtrooper as a shield while shooting his comrades. Hunter warns the other clones that they have been compromised and to head back to the rail line. Gerrera's female companion is wounded during the gunfight. Disguised as stormtroopers, he helps her to the shuttle. He is determined to reach the shuttle before the Imperials find and deactivate the explosives.
The lieutenant informs Tarkin and the other Imperial officers that insurgents disguised as troopers have infiltrated his base. Tarkin orders all communications be switched to encoded channels and tasks the stormtroopers with finding the intruders. Tarkin orders the conference room sealed and assures the officers they are safe. Gerrera and his comrade sneak past stormtroopers while Hunter and Tech are chased by multiple stormtroopers. They are joined by Echo, Wrecker, and Omega, who eliminate several pursuers. They take out more pursuers with a stun grenade before fleeing to the rail line.
The Bad Batch take position inside a rail car while Tech overrides the manual controls. They ride their stolen rail car out of the base. Meanwhile, Saw rejoins another group of disguised Partisans and they fight their way into the hangar. They take out stormtroopers with stun grenades before fleeing aboard a stolen shuttle. A battery cannon tries to shoot their shuttle down but is unsuccessful. Gerrera activates his thermal explosive which causes extensive damage to Raven's Peak particularly the hangar. However, the conference chamber is protected and Tarkin and the other Imperial officers survive the blast.
The explosion causes the rail line to lose power. Meanwhile, the Bad Batch fight several stormtroopers stationed in their stolen rail car. The rail car stops in mid-air. A second rail car hangs on the other side. Tech remarks that this is going to be a problem.