Lassa Rhayme, a pirate of the female Pantoran species, commanded the Opportunity as its captain and spearheaded the Blood Bone Order during the Clone Wars. Toward the conflict's end, she crossed paths with bounty hunter Asajj Ventress, developing a bond of friendship after they jointly recovered the Steady On and its valuable contents from the clutches of Hondo Ohnaka and his gang.
Distinct from most female Pantoran individuals, pirate Lassa Rhayme bore no tattoos that would indicate her family lineage. Instead, her allegiance was solely with her crew, the Blood Bone Order, who elected her as their leader and captain of the vessel Opportunity. She cultivated a reputation as a fearsome and intentionally tyrannical figure. However, in truth, she treated her crew fairly, resorting to violence only when absolutely necessary.
During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Rhayme and her crew devised a scheme to seize the cargo aboard the Steady On, a ship transporting a valuable statuette destined for [black market](/article/black_market] dealer Sheb Valaad on Otor's Hub. Upon reaching the designated coordinates, their ship encountered only the wreckage of fighters adrift in space, with a single survivor: the wounded Asajj Ventress. Rhayme took Ventress aboard the Opportunity, providing medical care in the sickbay and arranging for the repair of Ventress's ship, the Banshee. Discovering her yellow lightsaber, Rhayme enlisted Ventress's aid in recovering the Steady On. A crew member, dispatched by Rhayme, reported that Hondo Ohnaka and his gang were responsible for the theft, but that Hondo was not at his base on Florrum.

She used a hologram to contact Jiro, who was in charge during Hondo's absence, and offered him a deal: she would join the gang in exchange for a "Jedi." Intrigued, the Weequay accepted her offer and allowed them to land in front of Hondo's complex. During their conversation, Rhayme convinced him of her trustworthiness by handing over Ventress, though she kept her lightsaber. She then tricked Jiro into sending most of his men on a fruitless chase after a caranak. As Ventress secretly secured a transport to leave the planet, Jiro realized Rhayme's deception and confronted her. She used the lightsaber to defend herself, but Ohnaka arrived and engaged her in combat, using his electrostaff. Ultimately, Rhayme prevailed, aiming a blaster at his chest. Defeated, the Weequay pirate surrendered, expecting to be killed. Back on the Opportunity, Rhayme and Ventress celebrated their victory, having grown to consider the bounty hunter a friend. They then parted ways, with Ventress delivering the item to Valaad as promised.
In the final months of the war, Rhayme was romantically involved with her first mate. However, he betrayed her by absconding with her intended target: the haul and the heiress they meant to steal it from. Taking this personally, Rhayme placed a substantial bounty on his head. Ventress, along with her then-partner, Quinlan Vos, accepted the bounty and captured the target quickly. Grateful, Rhayme rewarded them with credits and a bottle of aged Tevraki whiskey.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Rhayme became a supplier of food and weapons to a remnant group of the largely disbanded Partisans, known as the Dreamers. The Imperial unit Inferno Squad used Rhayme to infiltrate members Gideon Hask and Del Meeko into the Dreamers' ranks, posing as brothers with anti-Empire sentiments. Hask expressed his puzzlement to Rhayme about her allowing the surviving smugglers and Kurjak to escape. He was surprised when she admitted that the exaggerated tales of her reputation were somewhat embellished. He complimented the whiskey before assuring her that, while partisan brothers might not be connoisseurs of fine alcohol, they could distinguish it from swill. Following their discussion, Rhayme agreed to transport the pair to Jeosyn and the location of the Dreamers' base, but insisted that the brothers perform labor tasks as payment. They successfully infiltrated and killed the Dreamers, along with their teammates Seyn Marana and [Iden Versio](/article/iden_versio], who gained entry through other means.
Despite her reputation as a fearsome pirate, Rhayme possessed a confident, independent, and egalitarian nature, inspiring deep respect from her crew, to whom she was fiercely loyal. She adhered to a strict code of honor, ensuring equal distribution of resources, prohibiting cheating and fighting on board, and allowing desertion as long as it occurred amicably. She also disliked unnecessary killing, preferring violence only when required.
Unlike other Pantorans, she chose not to adorn her face with family tattoos, believing that her loyalty lay with her crew and herself. While she enjoyed exaggerating tales of her "tyranny," she also appreciated Tevraki whiskey, considering it "a finer thing would never to touch [anyone's] lips." Meeko observed that her golden eyes resembled vibrodaggers when directed at both him and Hask.
Rhayme was a skilled swordswoman, capable of wielding a lightsaber effectively, enjoying its feel and sound. Using Ventress's yellow lightsaber, she defended herself against Hondo Ohnaka's electrostaff and disarmed him, despite lacking a strong connection to the Force.