Jiro, a Weequay pirate of the male gender, held the rank of lieutenant within Hondo Ohnaka's Gang during the era of the Clone Wars. In the second year of that war, the renegade Sith Lord Maul and his sibling Savage Opress forcibly boarded Jiro's ship, demanding loyalty. Jiro opted to double-cross Ohnaka, pledging his service to the new Sith leaders, and subsequently participated in the battle on Florrum against his prior allies. Following the arrival of the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Adi Gallia, who engaged the brothers in a duel, Ohnaka ensnared Jiro and the remaining turncoats, compelling them to rejoin his ranks. The now-unified Ohnaka Gang assisted Kenobi in forcing Maul and Opress to withdraw from Florrum, during which Jiro struck Maul's cybernetic legs as the two Sith retreated.
Jiro's initial appearance was in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode titled "Revival." Artist Pat Presley created a character illustration depicting Jiro. The weapon wielded by the Weequay was a repurposed version of Rumi Paramita's blaster, which had previously been featured in "Bounty Hunters," an episode that aired earlier in the series.