The initial episode of the fifth season of the television show Star Wars: The Clone Wars is entitled "Revival". It debuted on August 24, 2012 during a special showing at Celebration VI. Its official premiere on Cartoon Network occurred later, on September 29, 2012. This episode's chronological placement is set between "Point of No Return" and "Eminence."
"Driven by fury and vengeance, the reunited siblings Maul and Savage Opress unleash widespread terror and violence across the galaxy. As the Sith brothers forcefully enlist Hondo Ohnaka and his pirate crew, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Adi Gallia pursue them, which culminates in a fatal confrontation."
After raiding several Outer Rim planets, Maul and Opress sneak into a space station circling Cybloc. They defeat the droid guards and discover a vault containing money. While Opress becomes preoccupied with their newfound wealth, Maul reminds him that it is merely a tool to achieve their ultimate goal: the destruction of Obi-Wan Kenobi. He also reinforces his position as Opress's master by referencing the Rule of Two. Opress, who had hoped they would abandon the traditional Sith hierarchy as brothers, challenges Maul to a fight in anger. Maul easily defeats him. Afterward, they travel to Florrum, where they entice a group of Hondo Ohnaka's Weequay pirates onto their ship and bribe them into joining their cause. Two of Ohnaka's captains quickly agree, while a hesitant third is executed via hologram in front of Ohnaka for expressing doubts about the betrayal. The brothers then prepare to seize Ohnaka's base for themselves.
In the meantime, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Adi Gallia reach the station and receive a briefing from a Snivvian regarding the raid. The Snivvian also reveals that the perpetrators are heading to the Sertar sector on his ship. Gallia questions what could draw the Sith to that location, and Kenobi responds that it is where Florrum and Ohnaka are situated. They then travel to Florrum and contact Ohnaka, forming a temporary alliance against the treacherous pirates and the Sith brothers.
Maul and Opress launch their attack on Ohnaka's base but are interrupted when the Jedi arrive and engage them. A fierce duel breaks out, and while Kenobi manages to hold his own against Maul, Gallia is overwhelmed and killed by Opress, who impales her with his horns before stabbing her with his lightsaber. Kenobi cries out in anger and knocks Opress to the ground. Maul intervenes to prevent Kenobi from killing him. As their forces dwindle, Kenobi and Ohnaka are compelled to retreat into the pirate base, but Kenobi manages to retrieve Gallia's lightsaber beforehand.
While Ohnaka's loyal crew prepares an ambush, Kenobi lures the brothers away from the pirates, instructing them to use explosives to collapse a section of the tunnel, separating himself and the Sith from the pirates. Ohnaka agrees without hesitation, and Kenobi proceeds to confront the pair with both lightsabers. After a fierce battle, Kenobi manages to unbalance Opress and severs his arm in retaliation for Gallia's death. Maul then ends the fight to retreat with his injured brother. Outside, they encounter their pirate allies and attempt to rally them for a renewed assault. However, Ohnaka has reconciled with his men after ambushing them, demonstrating that the Sith have no loyalty to them. They now plan to plunder Maul and Opress's ship and open fire, forcing the brothers to retreat completely. Maul loses one of his cybernetic legs during the escape and is subsequently carried by Opress. Despite this, the brothers manage to reach their ship and take off, with Maul delaying their pursuers by toppling the Jedi's shuttle from a plateau to cut them off. One of the pirates manages to damage one of the ship's engines, and Opress, suffering from his injuries, urges Maul to leave him behind. However, both brothers manage to escape the doomed vessel aboard an escape craft before it crashes back onto the planet's surface.
Kenobi and Ohnaka then proceed to search the wreckage, with Ohnaka seeking salvageable wealth and Kenobi looking for confirmation of Maul and Opress's deaths. Ohnaka and his men recover the safe previously acquired by the Sith, but no trace of the brothers is found. Ohnaka concludes that they must have been vaporized in the crash, but Kenobi remains skeptical, recalling Maul's survival despite his severe injuries on Naboo.
Back on Coruscant, Kenobi and the Jedi hold a meeting with Palpatine, during which the Chancellor dismisses Kenobi's concerns about Maul, arguing that the Separatists pose a much greater threat. Yoda concurs with the Chancellor, cautioning Kenobi that his obsession with Maul is a personal matter. However, he assures him that if the Sith brothers reappear, the Jedi will be prepared to confront them. As they depart from the office, Palpatine smirks while seated at his desk behind them.
For enhanced facial animation, both Palpatine and Yoda were redesigned in this episode. Palpatine also sported a new outfit, which the episode's trivia gallery verified as the same one he wore at the beginning of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
The name of the Twi'lek Jedi slain by Maul and Savage Opress in the prologue was not mentioned in the episode itself, but the official trivia gallery confirmed her identity as Finn Ertay.
The warehouse supervisor was initially intended to be a slender character with a frontier accent but evolved into a Snivvian in the final version. His attire resembled a vintage 1970s Kenner action figure featured in a Sears-exclusive cantina set.
Hondo's statement about General Grievous raiding Florrum, destroying his stronghold, and crippling his criminal empire referenced the episode "A Necessary Bond," which had not yet aired at the time of the episode's release, although the clip was shown at Celebration VI. Additionally, the sign in the background of Hondo's camp translated from Aurebesh to "Hondo's Salvage - Prices Slashed."
When Maul and Opress infiltrated the warehouse, the supervisor and the pirates mistook them for Jedi. This was intended to suggest that the Sith were not widely known throughout the galaxy or that most people had never encountered a Jedi before. Furthermore, the warehouse's design was a modified version of Siddiq's office from "Corruption."
The episode's trivia gallery, along with the unfinished line by the lead deputy droid to Maul, implied that the station and/or the offices onboard belonged to the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Additionally, the station itself was modified and repurposed from the Quarzite station in the episode "Bounty."
"A War on Two Fronts" was originally planned as the premiere episode of Season Five, but the premiere was switched to "Revival," as announced at San Diego Comic Con in July 2012. "Revival" was shown at a special screening during Celebration VI on August 24, 2012, before its premiere on Cartoon Network. Supervising Director Dave Filoni and Series Producer George Lucas both felt that "Revival" was a better choice for the season premiere, which led to its placement at the beginning of the season despite some continuity issues, such as Adi Gallia's death (despite her appearance in the later-airing "A War on Two Fronts") and the prior destruction of Hondo Ohnaka's pirate base (an event depicted in the later-airing "A Necessary Bond"). Filoni mentioned that if they had had more time, they would have adjusted the episodes to align better chronologically with the airing order.