Battle of Florrum

A conflict unfolded on the planet of Florrum during 20 BBY, amidst the Clone Wars. Following his assistance in the rescue of the Hutt prisoner, Ziro Desilijic Tiure, from the Galactic Republic's grasp, bounty hunter Shahan Alama sought refuge from the Republic. However, while fleeing, Alama encountered a Confederate frigate above Florrum; the frigate's Neimoidian captain then deployed droid starfighters to engage Alama's ship. In the vicinity, a Republic transport, under the command of Jedi General Aayla Secura, was on patrol. Secura dispatched Clone Commander CC-5052 with a squad of clone troopers and a LAAT/i gunship to investigate. The gunship proceeded to eliminate the droid fighters present on Florrum's surface and subsequently shot down Alama's vessel before returning to Secura's ship.


Bane's team debriefs following their successful rescue of Ziro.

During the Clone Wars in 20 BBY, bounty hunter Cad Bane assembled a team of hunters with the purpose of liberating Hutt crime lord Ziro Desilijic Tiure—who had been apprehended for offenses against the Galactic Republic—from the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center situated on the galactic capital of Coruscant. The hunters successfully completed their mission, and Bane, along with his team, absconded with Ziro. Shortly thereafter, Bane transferred the monetary compensation for the operation into the accounts of his associates, instructing them to disperse and evade the Republic's forces. One member of the team, the Weequay Shahan Alama, harbored suspicions regarding Bane, doubting that he had remitted their entire payment. Regardless, Alama complied and fled aboard his Flarestar-class attack shuttle towards the Outer Rim Territories.

The battle

The Confederate frigate engages Alama's ship.

Above the Outer Rim planet of Florrum, Alama encountered a Confederate Munificent-class star frigate. The frigate's Neimoidian captain identified Alama's starship as being the same type utilized by a pirate group led by the pirate Hondo Ohnaka, who was based on Florrum. Upon reviewing the sector's threat assessments, the Neimoidian captain verified that the Confederate Head of State, Count Dooku, had once been captured by these pirates. Concluding that Alama was affiliated with the pirate organization and desiring retribution for their offenses against the Confederacy, the captain instructed an OOM command battle droid lieutenant to target the attack shuttle. As his craft came under attack from the frigate, Alama directed his course towards Florrum's surface.

Simultaneously, a Republic task force, consisting of a single Acclamator-class assault ship under the leadership of Jedi General Aayla Secura, was conducting reconnaissance in the area. Marshal Commander CC-5052 reported Alama's independent vessel to Secura, who then ordered the clone commander to embark on a reconnaissance mission to the planet with a lone LAAT/i gunship to gather additional intelligence. CC-5052 gathered a squad of clone troopers for his gunship, and they were accompanied by several other gunships as they descended to the surface of Florrum.

Upon detecting the Republic gunship, the Confederate captain commanded his droid starfighter forces to engage the enemy aircraft. Vulture droid starfighters, Hyena-class bombers, and B1-Series battle droids riding Single Trooper Aerial Platforms were deployed to confront the Republic gunship. The gunship engaged the opposing forces, and CC-5052 and his crew successfully neutralized the Confederate battle droids. Following the engagement and subsequent destruction of Alama's craft, the Republic gunship returned to Secura's Acclamator-class transport.


Alama abandons his crash site on Florrum.

A wounded Alama abandoned his wrecked spacecraft and encountered Hondo Ohnaka, an acquaintance of the bounty hunter. However, Ohnaka revealed his intention to seize Alama and offer him as a hostage to any party seeking his capture.

Behind the scenes

The conflict was initially depicted in Hunting the Hunters (Part I), an installment of the online The Clone Wars webcomic series that served as a bridge between the first and second seasons of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series from 2008.

Despite Hunting the Hunters (Part I) stating that only a single gunship was deployed, four were illustrated. During Gunship Over Florrum, an online game inspired by the events of the comic and released on, only one gunship took part in the battle.

