The seventeenth episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television show, "Bounty Hunters," is part of Season Two. Audiences in the UK first saw it on March 27, 2010, while it was broadcast in the US on April 2, 2010. Chronologically, it follows "Children of the Force," the third episode of Season Two.
To look into the vanishing of a medical station that was in orbit above Felucia, the planet known for its fungi, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano arrive via a Jedi shuttle after exiting hyperspace. They are immediately confronted by an orbital Vulture droid deployer. The shuttle is assaulted by the vulture droids, which forces it to crash on Felucia. The Jedi escape from the ship as it descends through the atmosphere, and after their survival pods touch down, they start looking for civilization. They then come across a village that cultivates nysillin spice. After searching the homes, it seems to be empty. But they locate a ship inside a barn. Inside one of the houses, Anakin and Ahsoka find Felucian farmers and their families hiding in the basements. Suddenly, Anakin and Ahsoka find themselves surrounded by four heavily armed bounty hunters: Sugi, Embo, Rumi Paramita, and Seripas. Obi-Wan joins them, but Casiss, the village elder, convinces the Jedi and bounty hunters to lower their weapons and listen to the village's request for assistance. Casiss explains that they hired the bounty hunters to defend them against pirates who were raiding their village and demanding tribute. He also mentions that with the Jedi's presence, the bounty hunters can successfully repel the pirates. Obi-Wan responds that he is eager to assist the farmers but that finding a ship and reporting the destruction of the medical base is their top priority. Obi-Wan continues, saying that doing so would only draw more attention from the Separatists, which would be far worse than pirates. Just then, a group of pirates shows up and demands their share of the nysillin. Anakin and Obi-Wan are shocked to discover that the opposing commander is Hondo Ohnaka.
Hondo is cordial with the Jedi, then makes an effort to bribe the bounty hunters, but they decline, stating that they uphold their agreements. Obi-Wan offers to pay the pirates to transport them to Republic territory, but Hondo refuses, knowing that the Jedi would use Republic credits, which are worthless in the Outer Rim. Hondo instructs the farmers to hurry up before the crops spoil. Obi-Wan then comes up with a strategy, but Dilanni points out that they lack sufficient manpower. Anakin declares that the villagers must also participate in the fight. Following this, everyone starts to prepare by setting up defenses, harvesting crops, and training. Meanwhile, Dilanni expresses his skepticism by noting that the farmers are not soldiers and lack the necessary weapons for the impending battle. Anakin then shows how their agricultural tools can be utilized as weapons. In the meantime, Ahsoka teaches the farmers how to use slingshots to defend themselves against the pirates. While chopping down a massive fungus, Seripas is almost crushed to death, but Ahsoka saves him. Seripas then reveals that he is actually small and wears a suit to appear more intimidating. Ahsoka comforts him, boosting his confidence and self-esteem. Shortly after, a pirate scout observes the farmers during their training. Sugi notices him and instructs Embo to handle the situation. He shoots the pirate's speeder, causing it to explode. He then kills him, which prompts Hondo to launch an attack. The Jedi and bounty hunters are successful in withstanding the assault. Hondo then appears with a tank that results in Rumi's death and Embo's injury. In response, Anakin attacks Hondo and manages to knock him off the cliff. He begs for mercy, and Anakin helps him up. Concluding that the endeavor is "no longer profitable," he withdraws. With the battle concluded, Sugi consents to give the Jedi a ride back to the Republic.
This episode is dedicated to the memory of Akira Kurosawa, a Japanese filmmaker who was a major inspiration and one of George Lucas' favorite filmmakers. Kurosawa directed, produced, and co-wrote movies like The Hidden Fortress and Seven Samurai. This episode is a tribute to Seven Samurai. Similar to Seven Samurai, this episode centers on a group of seven heroes who are defending a helpless town against a much larger group of invaders. Knowing they are outnumbered, the Samurai and the Jedi both teach the villagers how to protect their homes and engage in combat. The show previously paid tribute to Kurosawa's work in the episode "Lightsaber Lost," which drew inspiration from the 1949 movie "Stay Dog".
"Bounty Hunters" premiered in Canada and the UK a week before it did in the United States, just like "Senate Murders" and "Cat and Mouse".