Senate Murders

title: Senate Murders

The fifteenth episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television show's second season is titled "Senate Murders". It was broadcasted on March 12, 2010 in Canada, followed by March 13 in the UK, and finally on March 19 in the US. Despite its Season Two release, "Senate Murders" chronologically unfolds within Season Three, specifically after "Pursuit of Peace" and preceding "Nightsisters."

Official description

"Padmé embarks on a quest to identify the person responsible for the demise of her cherished 'uncle,' following the perplexing death of Senator Onaconda Farr."

Plot summary

Another Senator, concerned about public sentiment, withdraws their backing from Padmé's faction. Onaconda Farr, however, remains optimistic about achieving victory in this matter. Upon addressing the Senate floor in the Grand Convocation Chamber, Padmé argues that escalating clone production would only burden the Republic's economy and intensify the bloodshed. She champions a return to diplomacy as a means to halt this cycle. Her speech garners widespread applause. Yet, as she disembarks from her hover platform, Senator Mee Deechi offers a critical remark on her performance, deeming it unpatriotic. Padmé counters by asserting that his advocacy for war is the only unpatriotic act she perceives.

Padmé, Bail Organa, Farr, Lolo Purs, and Mon Mothma are celebrating with beverages when their gathering is disrupted by Senator Halle Burtoni, who accuses them of being Separatist sympathizers due to their opposition to the production bill. Padmé and Lolo object, stating their desire to reinstate diplomacy, but Burtoni contends that diplomacy failed the Republic long ago. Farr escorts her away, reminding her that while the Kaminoans' contribution of clones facilitated their entry into the Republic, it does not grant her unrestricted authority within the Senate. Burtoni departs, forewarning that the war's end is not imminent. As the Senators raise their glasses in a toast, Farr abruptly collapses and dies.

Subsequently, a funeral is held for Farr before his body is transported back to Rodia. Padmé offers solace to Lolo, Farr's protégé, before they are summoned to Chancellor Palpatine's office, which is occupied by several police droids. Inspector Tan Divo informs them that Farr was assassinated, succumbing instantly to poison. He suggests that a concealed secret of Farr's was exposed, prompting a political adversary to eliminate him. Padmé and Organa insist that Farr possessed no secrets and was respected even by his adversaries. Divo declares his intention to conduct the investigation according to his methods.

Padmé and her associates speculate about potential motives for Farr's murder and whether they are also targets. However, Padmé decides to investigate independently, although Mothma advises that Organa accompany her while the bill is postponed. They target the primary suspects: Deechi and Burtoni. Nonetheless, both deny involvement, citing their respect for Farr and viewing his words as a catalyst for increased funding for their clone production bill. Deechi discreetly informs Bail and Padmé that Farr had a secret meeting at the docks the night before his death; when questioned about his knowledge, Deechi asserts that despite their political differences, he respected Farr and would not have killed him.

Upon arriving at the docks, Padmé and Organa are ambushed by a cloaked figure who fires upon them from atop cargo containers. After a pursuit, their assailant escapes by releasing a container near them, causing Organa to fall and hang precariously from the edge. Padmé is compelled to assist him just before the arrival of the Coruscant Security Force. Divo expresses displeasure at their independent actions, as they have now alerted the killer to their presence. Padmé then deduces that Deechi orchestrated the setup. The trio returns to Deechi's office, only to discover him deceased with a dagger in his chest.

Divo places the Senators under protective custody as a precaution against the killer. Lolo, however, refuses to cooperate and departs. Divo then inquires about who else knew of their presence at the docks. When Padmé mentions Burtoni, Divo proceeds to her office, only to be informed by his droids that she has already left. Upon returning to the Senators, Lolo rushes in, claiming that Burtoni attacked her. The Coruscant Security Force apprehends Burtoni, who denies murdering Farr or attacking Lolo, asserting that she saw no political advantage in doing so. Divo attempts to deceive her into confessing, noting her convenient presence in both Padmé and Deechi's offices and her potential presence at the docks. He further presents a datapad containing information about the Kaminoan-made poison used to kill Farr, which only affects Rodians.

Despite Burtoni's protests, Divo orders her removal, concluding that all evidence implicates her. Padmé, however, swiftly connects the dots, realizing that Lolo would have also died unless she had ingested the poison as well. Exposed, Lolo takes Padmé hostage with a small blaster. She confesses to killing Farr due to the "war" he brought to Rodia, believing that they needed a new leader after he demonstrated "weakness." Padmé argues that he simply made a mistake, but Lolo refuses to listen. Lolo explains that the meeting at the docks was merely an attempt to intimidate Farr, but when he persisted, she eliminated him. Upon learning that Deechi knew about the meeting, she was compelled to kill him as well. Divo discreetly activates the police droids outside the office, who surprise the traitorous aide. Padmé disarms Lolo and delivers a knockout blow.

Later, the bill for clone production is passed. Padmé encounters Palpatine in the Senate halls, who assures her that the reinforcements will expedite their path to peace.


The broadcast of the episode occurred in both Canada and the United Kingdom a week prior to its scheduled airing in the United States. Nevertheless, the American iTunes Store made "Senate Murders" available for download a week early as well. It was subsequently removed from iTunes shortly after its release.

Approximately eight months following the initial airing of this episode, two prequel episodes to "Senate Murders" were broadcasted on Cartoon Network. The first, "Heroes on Both Sides," portrayed the events that prompted the Senate to propose a bill advocating for increased clone trooper production. The subsequent episode, "Pursuit of Peace," introduced the bill and its opposition, as well as the threats faced by the opposing Senators from external forces.


