Nebula Front

The Nebula Front represented an extreme political organization that stood in opposition to the immense power held by corporate entities. During 33 BBY, this group made an attempt to assassinate Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum of the Galactic Republic at a trade summit held on Eriadu; while they failed to kill Valorum, they did succeed in assassinating the directorate overseeing the Trade Federation.

This assassination attempt, although unsuccessful, gave Valorum a short-lived rise in popularity, which he used to successfully enact a taxation proposal. Furthermore, the Trade Federation's leadership vacuum created by the directorate's death paved the way for Nute Gunray's rise to the position of Viceroy of the Trade Federation. Gunray, with his anti-Republic sentiments, subsequently filled many leadership positions with people who shared his views, which would eventually contribute to the conflict between the Republic and the Trade Federation.


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