Drearia, a planet, resided within both the Inner Rim and the Interior regions of the galaxy. Its location was designated as grid square L-8 on the Standard Galactic Grid. The Hydian Way, a major super-hyperroute, connected Drearia to both the Paqualis system and the planet Champala. The name Drearia was also used by the Drearian Defense Conglomerate. In approximately 9 ABY, when the astronomer Kh'ymm was examining her database of planets on the Observatory Moon to find the possible location of the missing planet At Attin, Drearia was one of the planets displayed on her computer screen.
The current Star Wars canon first featured Drearia in issue fifty-second of the magazine Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon, released around December 30, 2015. The world called Drearia initially appeared in the Star Wars Legends continuity, first appearing in The Essential Atlas, a reference book from 2009 written by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry.