Kh'ymm, an astronomer of owl-like alien descent and female gender, maintained an ancient telescopic array situated on the Observatory Moon. During the New Republic Era, her former associate, the pirate known as Jod Na Nawood, paid her a visit accompanied by a group of children. Suspecting that Na Nawood had abducted the children, she contacted the New Republic requesting assistance. Subsequently, she allowed Na Nawood entry into the observatory, intending to delay him until the arrival of X-wing starfighters dispatched to apprehend the criminal.
Upon learning from the children that they required her assistance to return to their lost planet, At Attin, Kh'ymm disclosed its status as one of the Jewels of the Old Republic, for which no navigational charts existed. She then proceeded to interrogate the children, seeking to deduce the planet's coordinates from the information they provided. After noticing Palmarish numerals on the backpack belonging to the child named Fern, Kh'ymm successfully pinpointed the planet's location, inadvertently revealing this information to Na Nawood, despite her attempts to stall for time.
Realizing that the New Republic forces were en route, Na Nawood brandished a blaster pistol and demanded that the astronomer recall the incoming starfighters. She refused, urging the children to flee and launching an attack on the pirate as he opened fire. After Na Nawood threw Kh'ymm into a pile of datapads, Na Nawood seized the coordinates for At Attin and destroyed the terminal she had used to calculate them, before absconding with the children. Only the child named KB paused to check on Kh'ymm, who emerged unharmed and instructed her to uncover the truth about Na Nawood, offering assistance should the children ever need it. The pirate and the children then successfully evaded the New Republic ships, only to discover that Kh'ymm's coordinates led them to the planet At Achrann instead of At Attin.

Kh'ymm, the female owl-like alien astronomer, possessed extensive knowledge of star maps, undiscovered planets, and related subjects. During the era of the New Republic, she based her operations on the Observatory Moon, amassing a collection of various artifacts and keepsakes from numerous worlds within an ancient telescopic array that she managed. The pirate Jod Na Nawood, after promising a group of children from the lost world of At Attin that he would facilitate their return home, brought them to Kh'ymm, an old acquaintance of his who knew him by the alias "Crimson Jack." Prior to introducing the children to her, Na Nawood cautioned them that he harbored reservations about the alien and suspected she might attempt to betray them.
Kh'ymm, in the meantime, had observed Na Nawood and the children approaching her observatory via surveillance cameras and had notified the New Republic to report his presence. She also mentioned the children, presuming they were victims of kidnapping, and requested the New Republic's assistance, prompting the deployment of an X-wing starfighter squadron from Sector Patrol to apprehend Na Nawood. With assistance on its way, Kh'ymm then endeavored to delay Na Nawood until the arrival of the fighters. Na Nawood and the children subsequently arrived at her doorstep, and after scrutinizing the pirate with three gatekeeper droids, she inquired whether the children were his. Na Nawood disregarded the question and instead acknowledged that he had left things between him and Kh'ymm in a problematic state during their previous encounter, asserting that he was only now reappearing because he had discovered something of particular interest to share with her.

As the group proceeded through her assortment of artifacts, Kh'ymm instructed them to refrain from touching anything, descending from the telescopic apparatus as they approached her. Na Nawood then expressed his desire to proceed with the matter at hand, but the astronomer dismissed him and flew towards the children, questioning their decision to travel with the pirate. The children then revealed their aspiration to return home to At Attin, but the mention of the lost world elicited a reaction of surprise from Kh'ymm, who then flapped back up into the apparatus. Assuming she believed it to be a falsehood, Na Nawood called after her that the children were being truthful, but the astronomer had long held a belief in the near-mythological world and produced a scroll depicting At Attin among the Jewels of the Old Republic, worlds that she explained had been intentionally concealed long ago.
Given the absence of a map to At Attin, Kh'ymm and Na Nawood came to the realization that they needed to leverage the children's knowledge of the world to locate it. Summoning them to her archive interface, the alien inserted a punch card and questioned the children. Although the child Wim asserted that there was nothing remarkable about the world, his companion KB disclosed that they had learned about the worlds Alderaan and Coruscant in school. When Kh'ymm alluded to Alderaan's destruction during the Galactic Civil War, the child Neel professed to know nothing of the conflict, a revelation that Kh'ymm found intriguing. Neel then mentioned the Barrier that enveloped At Attin, describing it as swirling, which enabled Kh'ymm to narrow the search to only ten thousand worlds by postulating that the swirls were composed of nebula gases.
The final child, Fern, relinquished hope in locating their world if there remained ten thousand possibilities, but as she turned to depart, Kh'ymm noticed the school logo on her backpack. Flying over, the astronomer recognized that it contained Palmarish numerals, which she had never encountered on any proto-Republic artifacts. With excitement, she cross-referenced the symbols with the other data gathered thus far, Kh'ymm discovered the coordinates of At Attin and revealed this to Na Nawood when he inquired, before recalling that she was supposed to be stalling him. She attempted to backtrack and assert that there were in fact numerous additional parameters to verify, but the pirate was not deceived and realized her intentions.

Na Nawood then amplified the volume on Kh'ymm's comms just as Sector Patrol announced their approach. The astronomer flapped away in shock as Na Nawood reached for his blaster pistol, but then confronted him and asserted that he would not shoot her in the presence of the children. When Na Nawood demanded she recall the New Republic forces, the alien instead cautioned the children that Na Nawood was solely pursuing the legendary treasure purportedly concealed on At Attin and that they should not trust him. Explaining that the X-wings were there to provide assistance, Kh'ymm then screamed at the children to flee as she flew upwards and looped around to collide with Na Nawood as he opened fire upon her. Knocking the pirate to the ground, she continued her assault, issuing further warnings to the children until Na Nawood hurled her into a stack of datapads that collapsed upon the astronomer.
Seizing the coordinate punch card, Na Nawood destroyed the terminal and fled, with the children in pursuit. Upon hearing Kh'ymm squawk from beneath the datapads, KB lingered briefly to check on her as the alien emerged unscathed. Kh'ymm then questioned KB's decision to accompany Na Nawood, but when the child explained that, despite her distrust of the pirate, he had assisted them thus far, Kh'ymm advised her to seek the truth about the pirate and pledged to provide assistance should the children ever require it. KB then followed the others, and Na Nawood and the children successfully evaded the X-wings aboard their starship. Once they had departed, the X-wings landed at the observatory, where Kh'ymm flew out to reprimand them for allowing the starship to escape. When New Republic Commander Kent inquired as to the children's whereabouts, Kh'ymm simply stated that he would never believe her if she were to tell him. However, the coordinates that Kh'ymm had generated led Crimson Jack and the children to the planet At Achrann rather than At Attin.
Following the kids' revelation about the X-wings, they planned to contact Kh'ymm, as Na Nawood's pirates invaded At Attin. KB, who managed to fly the Onyx Cinder above the Barrier, contacted Kh'ymm for help. The alien then alerted the New Republic, who were able to come to At Attin's rescue once the Barrier was taken down by Wendle and Fara.
Kh'ymm harbored distrust for "Crimson Jack" and immediately expressed concern for the children accompanying him upon observing them, summoning assistance and endeavoring to delay the dangerous pirate to the best of her ability. She was captivated by the prospect of discovering At Attin's coordinates and had never ceased to believe in its existence despite its legendary status. She even became sufficiently distracted by it to momentarily forget about stalling Na Nawood, but confronted the armed criminal after he discerned her deception. Ultimately, she implored the children not to trust him and offered to assist them should they ever require it before they departed. Kh'ymm was an owl-like alien with gray and brown plumage and gray eyes. Her height was 0.46 meters.

Kh'ymm possessed artifacts and treasures from a thousand worlds, including numerous stacks of datapads. She wore a brown outfit with a belt and a cape and was equipped with an AJ^6 cyborg construct.
Kh'ymm's voice was provided by Alia Shawkat in "Very Interesting, As an Astrogation Problem," the third episode of the Disney+ live-action series Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, which was broadcast on December 10, 2024. Prior to the episode's release, Kh'ymm was unveiled in the inaugural trailer for the show on August 9, 2024. Her name was subsequently revealed in a video of the series' premiere on December 6, 2024.