A male human youngling named Wim resided on the remote planet of At Attin during the New Republic Era, living with his father, Wendle. He was a student at At Attin Middle School Gamma, where his closest friend was Neel. Finding the planet's routine dull, Wim harbored a strong fascination with ancient stories, especially those concerning the Jedi.
Around 9 ABY, Wim discovered an antiquated starship concealed within the woods just outside his home city. Little did he know, this vessel was actually the Onyx Cinder, a pirate vessel formerly under the command of Captain Tak Rennod. While exploring the Onyx Cinder, Wim, Neel, along with Fern and KB, inadvertently activated the vessel and broke through the barrier, finding themselves lost in space and separated from their loved ones. Aided by SM-33, a droid previously owned by Rennod, the children arrived on Borgo Prime, only to be captured by Brutus's pirate crew. Imprisoned together, they eventually escaped by joining forces with the former Captain Jod Na Nawood, who was intrigued by tales of the legendary planet of At Attin and determined to confirm the children's accounts.
Consequently, Jod and the younglings made their way to the Observatory Moon to seek counsel from [astronomer](/article/kh%27ymm], who assisted in determining the possible coordinates of At Attin. However, the coordinates ultimately led the Skeleton Crew to At Achrann, another of the concealed planets known collectively as the Jewels of the Old Republic. Following a brief involvement in the conflict between the Hattans and the Troik, the Skeleton Crew departed At Acharann. En route to Lanupa, where they intended to access Rennod's data log, Wim grew doubtful about the journey and came to the realization that the galaxy was quite different from the adventure stories he had imagined.
Around 1 BBY, Wim, a male human youngling, entered the world as the son of Wendle and a certain woman, and lived with them on the isolated planet At Attin. During his early years, he listened with great interest to the bedtime stories that his mother used to share with him, before they were separated. By approximately 9 ABY, Wim was enrolled at At Attin Middle School Gamma and had become best friends with his classmate Neel. At this time, he resided solely with his father.
Possessing a creative mind and a tendency to daydream, Wim developed a strong interest in adventures, hoping to one day leave his home planet. He and his friend Neel frequently engaged in imaginative play, often pretending to be Jedi, and he also enjoyed playing with his collection of action figures in the privacy of his home.

Around 9 ABY, Wim was engrossed in a make-believe Jedi versus Sith battle with his action figures in his room when his father interrupted, reminding him that it was a school day. As Wim ate cereal with gray milk for breakfast, his father searched for his [passcard](/article/keycard], suspecting Wim of having misplaced it. However, he soon discovered it was in his own pocket. Before leaving, Wendle provided Wim with some credits for lunch, informing him that he would be unavailable for a week due to a review by the Supervisor. Wim departed shortly thereafter, and on his way to the tram stop, he inadvertently startled Ikk's frog-dog. He then met up with his friend Neel, and the two boys seized the opportunity to stage a mock duel, with Wim wielding a toy lightsaber hilt. As their play concluded, they were noticed by a group of other schoolchildren waiting for the tram across the street. Feeling somewhat self-conscious, Neel and Wim quickly joined them, and the tram departed. During the ride, Wim was absorbed in his storypad tales when he suddenly noticed Fern and KB pass the tram on their hoverbikes. He was surprised to see the girls veer off the main road and ride over a dead-end barrier into a nearby forest. However, Neel—whom Wim had been quietly ignoring throughout the ride—denied having seen the girls. After the tram reached its destination and dropped the children off by the school, Wim spotted Fern and KB once more, witnessing them being reprimanded by a security droid.
During class, Wim appeared distracted, opting to use the built-in control dials on his desk to project an image of a Jedi Knight onto the tabletop screen instead of paying attention to the lesson. His behavior did not escape the notice of Undersecretary Fara, a representative from the Office of the Supervisor. Upon hearing Fara clear her throat, Wim hastily switched off the screen and turned his attention to the visitor, who had joined the class to discuss the upcoming Career Assessment Test. Wim was taken aback when he realized the test was scheduled for the following day. Later in the session, the teacher droid prompted the students to share with the undersecretary how they envisioned contributing to the Great Work. Several classmates expressed their aspirations before Fara focused her attention on Wim, noticing his attempt to shrink into his seat to avoid being called upon. Hesitantly, Wim mentioned his father's role as a Systems Coordinator but admitted that he himself would prefer to help people directly, a confession quickly dismissed by the teacher droid, who explained that assisting was a responsibility assigned to safety droids. As Wim finished speaking, he heard a loud chuckle from the student behind him, further adding to his embarrassment.

Wim was a young human boy characterized by his tan complexion, brown eyes, and a thick head of voluminous, curly brown hair. As a student at At Attin Middle School Gamma, he typically wore a school uniform consisting of a beige jacket adorned with the school's emblem, worn over a blue T-shirt – the same outfit he happened to be wearing when he inadvertently departed from his home planet of At Attin.
Wim possessed a vibrant imagination and a tendency to daydream. As a devoted fan of ancient tales, he held the Jedi in particularly high regard, frequently immersing himself in stories about them on his datapad, playing with Jedi action figures modeled after them, and engaging in role-playing as Jedi Knights alongside his friend Neel. He also harbored a strong desire for adventure and excitement, feeling stifled by the monotonous lifestyle on his home planet.

Having been raised on ancient stories, Wim's personality was significantly influenced by the narratives he consumed. He admired Fern's position as a captain, a role he himself aspired to achieve. Impulsive by nature, Wim often acted without considering the consequences, such as starting the Onyx Cinder out of sheer curiosity or drawing a lightsaber to confront Jod Na Nawood after his betrayal, only to accidentally ignite it upside down shortly thereafter. Furthermore, Wim's immature behavior sometimes clashed with the seriousness of the situations he faced. Instead of maintaining vigilance, he and his fellow Skeleton Crew younglings often preferred to play and frolic, which risked exposing them to danger.
As a member of the Skeleton Crew, Wim's yearning for excitement and adventure began to diminish as he encountered the harsh realities of a nomadic existence. Alongside his fellow crew members, Wim had to confront various hardships, such as evading a hostile pirate crew or becoming embroiled in a war. Once eager to embark on an interplanetary journey, the boy became somewhat homesick, missing his father and mother alike, fully aware that he would never see the latter again. When feeling down, he would retreat to a secluded spot to cry in private. During these moments, he could rely on Jod, a Force-sensitive individual whom Wim, having grown up on adventure stories about Jedi, admired as an embodiment of the virtues he had learned from those tales.
Wim made his debut in the Disney+ live-action television series Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, where he is played by Ravi Cabot-Conyers. His character was first revealed in a listing by the German retailer Müller, which unveiled the LEGO Star Wars: Skeleton Crew set 75374 The Onyx Cinder.