An individual named Fara, who was a human female, resided in the galaxy during the period known as the New Republic Era. She lived on the planet At Attin with Fern, who was her daughter. On this planet, Fara worked as a teacher at a local school and also held the position of undersecretary within the government.
During the year 9 ABY, Fern encountered a boy named Wim. Wim discovered an old starship that was buried in the woods near their city. Together with two other children, Neel and KB, Wim and Fern began investigating the ship. However, they accidentally activated it, leading them to become lost in the vastness of space. Fara, along with Wim's father Wendle, embarked on a mission to locate the children and ensure their safe return home.
At Attin was the birthplace of Fara. During her youth, she and her companions would occasionally escape, only to be brought back by the safety droids. As she matured, Fara became an undersecretary within At Attin's government and had a daughter named Fern.
In the year 9 ABY, Fara was directly in charge of a class of young students. She briefly watched one student, Wim, sketching a rough drawing of a Jedi on his desk monitor, and she coughed to signal the distracted boy to focus on the lesson. Shortly after, she introduced herself to the class and informed them about the Career Assessment Test, which would be held the following day to assign their future careers in support of the Galactic Republic's Great Work. The droid teacher then asked the class to share their planned career paths, with many expressing a desire for bureaucratic jobs. Eager to hear more, Fara called on Wim, who expressed his desire to help people out of dangerous situations, but was rebuked by the droid teacher, who reminded that safety droids handle those tasks, earning the boy a mocking giggle from the classmate behind him. Fara then encouraged the students to study hard, get plenty of rest and to not be nervous, reminding they all had a place in the Great Work.
Managing to leave work early, Fara went back to her home, where she waited for Fern's arrival. Fara noticed her daughter ascending the spiral staircase. Fern quickly asserted that she had been studying in her room, which her nanny droid confirmed, having had her memory secretly altered a short time earlier. Fara then inquired if she was concealing anything, before handing her daughter a school badge which she dropped. Fern pretends to be relieved to get her school badge back before walking up to her room.
The following night, however, Fern ventured into the woods with KB to investigate what Vim claimed was a Jedi Temple, which was actually the buried pirate ship, the Onyx Cinder. Wendle later informed a pair of safety droids that he witnessed the Cinder taking off with his son, Wim, and three other children. As her own daughter was among the missing children, Fara gathered with the parents of the other children. While awaiting a report from the At Attin government, Fara optimistically suggested that the safety droids would recover their children as they had in the past, recalling her own past delinquency. Soon enough, a droid entered the room to announce that the children had indeed illegally breached the Barrier on a starship, but the Supervisor was unwilling to risk contacting the Republic to get them back, resulting in outrage from KB's mothers, Garree and Maree. Fara vowed to submit a petition for an immediate audience with the Supervisor.
Some time later, a safety droid approached Fara in her office, presenting a cable device it had confiscated from Wendle, and inquired whether it should initiate security protocols. In response, Fara instructed the droid to erase all records of the incident and to shut down. Soon spotting Wendle peeking around her door, she indicated for him to enter. After shuttering her blinds, she reprimanded him for not waiting as instructed. Wendle defended that he and the other parents just wanted to get a message past the Barrier to recover their kids without giving away At Attin's location. Fara insisted that she was working through the proper channels to get it done but Wendle argued that the Supervisor wasn't going to help them. Admitting that something wrong was going on with their leadership, Fara considered his argument before asking what his plan was.
During the Battle of At Attin, Fara was initially deceived by Jod Na Nawood's schemes and granted Jod's pirate ship access past the Barrier. However in the later course of the battle she proved pivotal in overcoming her own desire to keep At Attin hidden behind the Barrier when she engaged the switch that permanently destroyed the Barrier to allow New Republic X-Wings to pass and defeat the pirates.
Fara had a strong belief in the Great Work and was loyal to The Supervisor; however, her affection for her daughter, Fern, surpassed even her dedication to the At Attin government, in which she played a role. To illustrate, she demonstrated a willingness to secretly transmit a message to her daughter past the barrier, despite the potential risk of exposing At Attin's existence and location to the broader galaxy. Fara hoped that the Barrier would shield her daughter from all the evils of the wider Galaxy allowing her to grow up in peace. For that reason she was extremely reluctant to see the Barrier destroyed as this would mean giving up everything she had worked for her entire adult life.
Fara made an appearance in the live-action series Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, which premiered on December 3, 2024. Kerry Condon portrayed her in the series. Her character was first revealed in the trailer for the series on August 9 of that year, and she was identified in promotional material released by Walt Disney Studios on Getty Images on the same day.