
Misses Ikk, an Ithorian from the secluded planet of At Attin, dedicated her life alongside her fellow citizens to the Great Work: the production of Old Republic credits. During the age of the New Republic Era, she lived in the same suburban area as Wim, a human boy whose frequent, hurried trips to school often startled her frogdog as he was invariably late to class at the last minute.

Around the year 9 ABY, Silvo's pirates invaded At Attin, aiming to control the population and exploit their credit production. As the pirates gathered the local residents, Beef, a pirate, approached Misses Ikk, causing her to fall. He then assisted her in standing up, only to cruelly lead her to join the other captives. However, thanks to the efforts of the Skeleton Crew, the Barrier that had isolated At Attin was quickly deactivated, enabling a New Republic squadron to arrive and successfully drive back the pirate invasion.


Walks and mishaps beyond the Barrier

Wim disrupts Misses Ikk's morning walk with her frogdog.

During the New Republic Era, Misses Ikk, a female Ithorian, made her home on the planet of At Attin. This world, shielded from the rest of the galaxy by a massive gas Barrier, housed Old Republic credit mints, earning it the title of a Jewel of the Old Republic. The inhabitants of the planet were committed to the Great Work, which involved maintaining the mints and producing the credits themselves. Around 9 ABY, Ikk made her residence in the suburban areas of a larger metropolian settlement. She shared a neighborhood with Wendle, the human Systems Coordinator, his young son Wim, and a large family of Myykians with multiple children. At that time, Ikk owned an At Attin frogdog, which she would take for walks on a leash each morning and evening.

Around 9 ABY, Misses Ikk was walking her frogdog one morning, keeping him restrained by a leash. Suddenly, Wim burst out of his house, toy in hand, and dashed past a maintenance droid operating a lawnmower. Failing to maintain a safe distance, Wim got too close to Ikk's pet, causing it to bark at him and trespass on a neighbor's property. Misses Ikk responded by scolding the young boy in her native Ithorese. Without pausing, Wim shouted an apology from afar as he rushed to catch his school tram.

The following day was marked by rainy conditions. In the morning, Misses Ikk began her usual walk with her frogdog, ensuring he was on his leash. As she passed Wim's residence, she saw him speeding out of his garage on his hoverbike. He swerved erratically down the street, splashing water onto the sidewalks and startling Misses Ikk's pet once more, causing it to step onto the road while Misses Ikk held tight to the leash.

A walk interrupted by pirate invasion

Misses Ikk and her frogdog during the invasion

Unbeknownst to Misses Ikk, Wim had unintentionally left At Attin with a few young companions the previous evening. The children found themselves stranded in the galaxy and struggled to find their way back home. In Starport Borgo, the younglings allied themselves with the pirate Silvo, who promised to help them return to their homeplanet. However, the pirate ultimately betrayed them. Upon their arrival on the planet, he posed as a Galactic Republic emissary to be granted an audience with the Supervisor, a droid responsible for governing At Attin and overseeing the Great Work. By disabling the machine, Jod caused a large-scale power outage before he allowed his pirate crew to access the planet, launching a planetary invasion to subjugate the At Attin inhabitants and profit from credit production.

Misses Ikk was coincidentally walking her frogdog when the massive pirate frigate materialized in the darkened sky, its turbolaser cannons positioned for battle. The frogdog barked at the invading craft before it began firing upon the planet's surface, destroying road vehicles in the process. Landing in their pirate dropships, the assault team rounded up the townsfolk. As citizens fled through the streets, the pirate Beef knocked Misses Ikk over, only to haul her back to her feet and walk her to the rest of the captured citizens. Beef escorted the neighbors himself. Separated from her pet, Misses Ikk ambled alongside Garree, Maree, the Myykian family, and other neighbors when she heard a public address by Silvo. Announcing that he had taken control of the planet, the pirate captain promised his men would show mercy to the inhabitants if they followed his orders, warning that any act of defiance would be punished severely.

Misses Ikk and her neighbors blinded by an aurora

As the pirate assault teams gathered the citizens, the Skeleton Crew—consisting of Fern, KB, Neel, and Wim—took action to seek assistance from the New Republic. While KB successfully bypassed the Barrier to contact the astronomer Kh'ymm, Fern and Wim, alongside their parents, Fara and Wendle, worked to disable it from the Supervisor's Tower. Meanwhile, Misses Ikk and her captured companions observed a series of explosions rippling across the sky, causing the ribbons of green gas to dissipate as the Barrier burned away. Shielding her eyes from a brilliant aurora coursing over the neighborhood, Misses Ikk turned to the side. The Barrier soon vanished altogether, revealing a night sky filled with stars. As Misses Ikk and other neighbors looked up, they saw a New Republic squadron arriving to the rescue. The starfighters launched an immediate attack on the invading frigate, sending it crashing into a nearby water canal. The citizen erupted into thunderous applause as the pirates fell back in retreat, faced with imminent defeat. Meanwhile, a New Republic CR90 corvette cruised over the city rooftops, and one by one, the lights began to flicker back on.

Personality and traits

Misses Ikk's loyal and attentive frogdog

As a member of the sentient Ithorian species, Misses Ikk possessed long hands that ended in fingers that resembled claws, and thick, column-like legs. Her head was characterized by two mouths situated on opposite sides, as well as a hammer-shaped, arching protrusion with two small, rounded eyestalks. She moved slowly and with an unsteady gait, making her susceptible to stumbling.

As a speaker of the Ithorese language, Misses Ikk was anatomically unable to speak Galactic Basic Standard. However, in contrast to many other Ithorians, she did not use a translator collar, which would have given her the capacity to communicate in Basic. As the owner of an At Attin frogdog, a species recognized for its loyalty and attentiveness, Misses Ikk would become displeased if someone startled her pet or caused it to bark without reason.


During the New Republic Era, Misses Ikk often wore a loose, pink robe that extended to her feet, with individual pantlegs covering her lower extremities. She complemented the pink robe with a brown vest. Furthermore, she owned a leash that she used when walking her frogdog.

Behind the scenes

Misses Ikk made her canonical introduction in the premiere episode of the live-action television series Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, entitled "This Could Be a Real Adventure," which debuted on December 2, 2024. Cary Gunnar Lee was the performance artist who portrayed her in the series. Prior to the show's release, the character was initially featured in the official trailer for the series, which was unveiled on August 9, 2024.

