
A hoverbike was a kind of speeder bike found throughout the galaxy. In the time of the New Republic Era, quite a few children on At Attin possessed hoverbikes. Certain versions were designed for a single rider, the operator, but others had room for a passenger as well.


In approximately 9 ABY, numerous children residing in an urban area located on the distant planet of At Attin were owners and riders of hoverbikes for fun. Certain individuals, such as Fern and Bonjj Phalfa, engaged in races with their bikes for enjoyment. Those specific vehicles had seating for two and three individuals, respectively.

The young human Wim operated his bike to try and get to school after sleeping in and being late for the tram, however, he ended up crashing in a forested area. His pal Neel also had one. These models were designed to accommodate only one person.

