Lucky Hazz Obloobitt was a plaything belonging to Has Obitt, a Dressellian smuggler. This toy was in the possession of Jyn Erso (a child) as she resided at her family's homestead on the planet Lah'mu alongside her parents, Lyra Erso and Galen. Obitt, a friend to the Erso family, had previously encountered Jyn during an archeological expedition on the planet Alpinn, where they formed a bond. Typically, Jyn stored the toy within her toybox; however, in the year 13 BBY, it was situated on her bed among other toys when the Galactic Empire reached the homestead while looking for Galen. The doll's representation of Obitt was not entirely accurate, showcasing brown skin, blue fur, and a combination of white and blue eyes.
The initial appearance of Lucky Hazz Obloobitt occurred in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, a film from the Anthology Series that premiered on December 16, 2016. Its identification was made in Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, a reference book authored by Pablo Hidalgo and released concurrently with the film.