Cut Lawquane

Cut Lawquane, a clone trooper, served the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Shortly after the First Battle of Geonosis, his transport suffered an attack from Separatist gunships, resulting in casualties among his fellow soldiers. Lawquane then deserted the army by fleeing, and later entered into marriage with Suu Lawquane. The conflict eventually made its way to Saleucami, the planet where Lawquane, Suu, and his two adopted children resided on their farm. He encountered Clone Captain Rex there, who assisted in protecting his family and their home from BX-series droid commandos. Rex and Cut resolved their differences, with Rex promising not to report Cut's desertion. At some point during the war, the Bad Batch's clones paid a visit to Cut and his family.

Following Order 66 and the Clone Wars' conclusion, Rex and the Bad Batch each visited Cut independently. The Bad Batch's visit occurred after their defection from the newly-formed Empire and their escape from Kamino. Around this time, the Lawquanes departed from Saleucami, utilizing falsified chain codes.


Early life and deserting the Republic

Like all [clone troopers](/article/clone_trooper], Cut Lawquane was created via cloning from the bounty hunter Jango Fett at the Republic's cloning facility situated on Kamino. He was grown inside the Egg Lab, receiving an inhibitor chip as an embryo, as was standard for all clones. After completing his training, he was destined to join the Grand Army of the Republic and depart Kamino.

Cut and his family.

Not long after the First Battle of Geonosis, the opening conflict of the galaxy-spanning Clone Wars, Cut was still an active member of the Republic Military. During one particular mission, he boarded a troop transport alongside several other troopers. Two Separatist gunships ambushed and attacked the transport, causing it to crash and killing the majority of clones on board. Subsequently, the droids began searching the wreckage, eliminating any surviving clones. Cut made the decision to flee, acknowledging the impossibility of survival if he remained with his fellow soldiers.

Cut eventually made his way to the Outer Rim planet of Saleucami, where he encountered Suu Lawquane, a female Twi'lek. He developed a relationship with Suu, ultimately falling in love. The pair married, and Cut became the stepfather to two human-Twi'lek hybrid children, Shaeeah and Jek. The four lived together on Saleucami, where the family ran a farm. On this farm, the family cultivated crops and raised livestock, including eopies in their barn.

Battle of Saleucami

In 21 BBY, the Clone Wars reached Lawquane's home on Saleucami. General Grievous of the Separatists planned to invade the planet, but during the Battle of Saleucami, his landing craft was downed by the Galactic Republic, forcing him and his droids to escape to the planet's surface in escape pods. The Republic then landed, with Obi-Wan Kenobi and several clone trooper squads using speeder bikes to locate Grievous's escape pod wreckage.

The Lawquane farm.

As the Republic initiated their search for the general, Clone Captain Rex sustained an injury from a commando droid sniper. Instead of halting the search, Kix, the team's medic, decided to find a place for Rex to rest and recover overnight. The squad, while debating where to take him, noticed that the surrounding eopies were domesticated and followed them to the Lawquane family's farm. Approaching the farm, Cut's wife, Suu Lawquane, emerged from the farmhouse, wielding a blaster rifle. After Jesse explained the situation, Suu offered a bench in the barn for Rex to recover on, applying a bacta patch to his wound. As Suu brought food for Rex, Shaeeah Lawquane lost control of her repulsorlift ball and ran after it. Upon seeing Rex, she commented on his resemblance to her father, Cut. Suu explained that Cut was delivering their first harvest and was away at the moment. Rex's squad departed to continue their search for General Grievous. Upon Cut's return from delivering the harvest, he entered the barn to find a stranger inside. Cautiously, Lawquane entered, arming himself with a staff, slowly raising it towards the stranger. Rex, hearing the footsteps, drew a blaster pistol, which Lawquane quickly disarmed. Rex and Cut immediately recognized each other as clones. Rex became immediately upset with Cut, accusing him of deserting the Republic Army. As Rex confronted Cut, Shaeeah and Jek ran in, interacting with their father. Jek showed Cut his drawing, while Shaeeah mentioned her encounter with Rex. When Suu explained the situation to Cut, he agreed that Rex could spend the night, and Jek added that they would always help anyone they could.

Cut prepares to fight the droids, while his family hides.

During dinner, which consisted of roast nuna, Rex and Cut discussed the ethics of deserting the army they were created to serve. Rex inquired whether Cut approved of his choice to continue serving. Cut agreed, stating that everyone should have the freedom to choose their path in life. Later, while playing Dejarik, their conversation continued. Cut defended his actions by sharing his story with Rex, but Rex remained resentful. After finishing their chores, Cut's children asked to play outside. Cut agreed, provided they stayed within sight of the house. The children ventured into the nearby crop field, where they discovered a droid escape pod from the battle above. While exploring, Shaeeah inadvertently activated the group of BX-series droid commandos stored inside. The children rushed back to the house, where Cut identified the droids. Knowing Rex was injured, Cut volunteered to confront the droids himself, leaving Rex as the last line of defense for his family. Cut armed Rex with a blaster pistol, while Cut took his own DC-15A blaster carbine to engage the droids. Rex and the family retreated to the upper level, while Cut stayed to battle the droids. Cut skillfully eliminated most of the droids but became trapped under debris. The droids then advanced upstairs, pursuing the rest of the family. As Rex defended the family, Cut freed himself, and together they defeated the remaining droids. This shared experience fostered a mutual understanding of each other's motivations between Rex and Cut.

The Lawquanes watch Rex depart.

In the morning, Rex had recovered sufficiently to rejoin his squad. As he prepared to leave, Cut offered him a place within their family. Rex declined, stating that his family was elsewhere. When Suu expressed concern about Rex potentially reporting Cut, Rex reassured them that he would not, using his injury as an excuse to feign amnesia in his report. Rex departed on an eopie, as the Lawquanes watched him go.

Sometime later, Cut encountered and became acquainted with Clone Force 99.

The Imperial Era

In 19 BBY, following Order 66, Rex arrived on Saleucami. Cut and Rex conversed, and Rex informed him about the inhibitor chips that compelled the clone army to kill the Jedi. He cautioned Cut about the newly established Galactic Empire, prompting Cut to decide to leave Saleucami for a safer location. Rex then departed without disclosing his destination to Cut.

Cut and Suu talk to the Bad Batch about Rex's visit the day prior.

The following day, Clone Force 99 arrived on Saleucami to seek Cut and his family's advice on how to remain undetected as deserters. Cut advised them that the only way to remain unnoticed was to abandon military life and adopt a civilian lifestyle. Cut inquired about Crosshair's whereabouts, but Hunter only stated that it was complicated, omitting the fact that Crosshair had betrayed the group and joined the Empire. Hunter introduced Cut and his family to Echo and Omega, offering to take them off-world in their ship. Cut declined, citing the danger of his family traveling with them, as the squad were wanted fugitives. He mentioned their plans to visit the spaceport later that day, but upon arrival, Cut and Hunter discovered that the Empire had implemented a new policy requiring chain codes for legal passage. As a clone, Cut would be unable to provide proper identification without revealing his desertion.

Later, at the Lawquane's Farm, Jek, Shaeeah, and Omega were playing in the field. When the ball was accidentally thrown past the fence, Omega went to retrieve it. Beyond the fence, Omega was stalked by a nexu, which was driven off by Hunter and Suu. This incident led Hunter to believe that he and his team were inadequate guardians for Omega, and he asked Cut and Suu to take her with them off-world.

Cut Lawquane submits his chain codes for inspection to depart Saleucami.

Meanwhile, Echo and Tech devised a plan to intentionally have their ship impounded and delivered to the dock, where they could create fake chain codes. Unbeknownst to Tech and Echo, Omega was sheltering on the ship following her encounter with the nexu. By the time Hunter found out and informed the two, the plan was already in motion. Echo and Tech successfully retrieved chain codes but still had to deliver them to the Lawquanes, who were on the other side of the spaceport. Given the number of clones present, Tech and Echo would be unable to cross in time. Omega took the chain codes and began crossing the area, placing herself in harm's way. Wrecker saved Omega and went to provide aid for Echo and Tech, while Omega continued towards the Lawquanes. Upon arriving to present the chain codes, she noted that there was an extra one, and Cut was surprised that Hunter had not informed her of the agreement. Hunter explained the situation to Omega, and she reluctantly went with the Lawquanes. However, a few moments later, Omega decided to disobey Hunter and ran back to their ship just as they were making their getaway. As Cut was boarding the transport vessel, he was stopped by a clone who began to recognize him but was called away to help corral the Bad Batch, allowing Cut to board with his family.


Following the Battle of Endor, Glen Taffral, a resident of Saleucami, cited Cut as an example of someone who abandoned war to prioritize his family.

Personality and traits

Lawquane chose a life of a peaceful farmer, but would take up arms to defend his family.

As a human clone, Cut Lawquane shared his physical appearance with Jango Fett and stood at 1.83 meters in height. He possessed a fit build, broad shoulders, fair skin, and brown eyes. His medium-length hair was reddish-brown and styled in a ponytail. Unlike many clones with tattoos, Cut had no visible tattoos. By the time of the Galactic Empire, Cut had grown out his sideburns and styled his hair in a bun.

An individual

After deserting, Cut became disillusioned with the Republic Army. He challenged his programming and began to exercise his free will, choosing to reject a life of killing. This belief strengthened as he fell in love and married. He firmly believed in the importance of individual choice in life. During his confrontation with Rex, he stood by his decision to desert the Republic. Despite this, he respected Rex's decision to remain in the army, viewing it as perfectly aligned with his own beliefs. He was committed to helping anyone he could, a value he instilled in his children. He even offered Rex the same choice he made, inviting him to join the Lawquane family. Despite his individuality, the memories of battle and war continued to haunt him, even years later.

A devoted husband and father

Cut was dedicated to protecting his family, placing them above all else. He shared a close bond with his wife, Suu, and his two adoptive children, Shaeeah and Jek. When their farm was attacked by commando droids during the Battle of Saleucami, Cut fearlessly defended his family, willing to sacrifice his own life to protect them. He comforted his terrified children and prepared to fight the droids without hesitation. Although Rex could have assisted him, Cut instead had Rex remain upstairs with his family, as a last line of defense. Before departing, Rex acknowledged his devotion, stating that while he was still a deserter, he was not a coward.

When the Empire rose, Cut recognized the need to relocate his family from Saluecami to avoid detection. During Clone Force 99's visit, Cut was surprised to see the group with a child, Omega. When Omega inadvertently endangered herself by venturing outside the fence and was attacked by a nexu, Hunter initially scolded her, but Cut cautioned him against treating her like a soldier and instead comforted her before hugging her and carrying her inside.

Skills and abilities

Cut Lawquane possessed skills in armed and unarmed combat, military tactics, reconnaissance, and farming.


Cut Lawquane wielding his staff against Rex

Cut wore a dark green tunic with brown accents, paired with baggy beige pants. Underneath, he wore a lighter green shirt. He also wore a beige sash and a brown belt with large attached pouches. He wore light brown fingerless gloves and light brown boots.

Cut wielded a pointed staff, a DC-15A blaster carbine, a DC-15A blaster rifle, macrobinoculars, and a DC-17 hand blaster that he lent to Rex. He also used Suu's antique slugthrower 6-2Aug2 hunting rifle. Cut owned multiple eopies, which he kept in his barn and occasionally used as mounts.

Behind the scenes

Cut Lawquane made his debut in "The Deserter," an episode from Season 2 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which was broadcast on January 1, 2010. Dee Bradley Baker, who also voiced other clones in the series, provided his voice.

He was indirectly referenced in "Aftermath" and appeared in "Cut and Run," both episodes from the first season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch. These episodes aired on May 4, 2021 and May 7, 2021, respectively.

Pablo Hidalgo, a creative executive and author at Lucasfilm, mentioned on his Twitter account that while Shaeeah and Jek have a human father, Cut is not their biological father.

