Shaeeah and Jek Lawquane, offspring resulting from a Human and Twi'lek union
The word hybrid had a couple of connected meanings. When referring to individuals, hybrids were sentient beings whose lineage came from two separate species.
When referring to entire species or races, the term hybrid indicated that the species' or race's origins came from inter-species hybrid individuals. Individuals belonging to these hybrid species or races were also sometimes called hybrids in this context.
Hybrids with a perfect half-and-half split, meaning each parent was a pureblood member of a different [species](/article/species], could display a stunning variety of appearances, despite possessing essentially the same genetic composition. Considering Twi'lek-human hybrids, Shaeeah Lawquane appeared almost entirely Twi'lek; only her uniquely patterned skin pigmentation hinted at her mixed heritage. Conversely, her brother Jek had both lekku and eyebrows, a combination absent in full-blooded male Twi'leks. Jacen Syndulla, on the other hand, looked almost completely human save for his vibrant green hair and a subtle green undertone in some areas of his skin, especially the tips of his ears.
- Espirions and Humans. (See: Alder-Espirions) [4] [5]
- Mirialans and Humans. [6]
- Twi'leks and Humans. [3]
- Theelin and Humans, resulting in a Theelin-human hybrid [7]
- Mon Calamari and Quarrens. [8]
- Gozzos and Gungans. (reportedly) [9]

- Beon Beonel [4]
- Jom Jarusch [8]
- Jek Lawquane [1]
- Shaeeah Lawquane [1]
- Jecki Lon [10]
- Maize Raynshi [6]
- Rystáll Sant [11]
- Diva Shaliqua [7]
- Jacen Syndulla [3]
- An Alder-Espirion captain [4]
Star Wars Helmet Collection 76 initially claimed that Aurra Sing was a near-human hybrid. However, this was later retconned upon the identification of the Palliduvan species in Star Wars Resistance, confirming Sing as a full member of that species.