Manchucho was a male Aleena hailing from the planet Aleen. He reigned as the King of Aleen throughout the period known as the Clone Wars.
During the time of the Clone Wars, King Manchucho extended a welcome to the clone trooper squad known as Wolfpack. Furthermore, following the devastation of his planet by groundquakes, he requested assistance from the Grand Army. Due to Commander [Wolffe]'s unfamiliarity with Manchucho's language, the protocol droid C-3PO served as a translator. C-3PO conveyed Manchucho's plea for assistance to be sent to the Aleena people.
The King of Aleen possessed qualities of fairness and intelligence, as evidenced by his desire for harmonious relations with the beings residing beneath Aleen's surface during the groundquakes.
Manchucho, an Aleena male, held the position of king over the planet Aleen. Standing at a height of 0.78 meters, equivalent to 2 feet and 7 inches, Manchucho had beige skin. While an ally of the Republic, Manchucho's primary focus remained on governing Aleen. The King of Aleen displayed fairness and intelligence, seeking peaceful coexistence with the beings inhabiting the subterranean regions of Aleen during the groundquakes. He showed a very warm welcome to Plo Koon's clone forces upon their arrival to support the Aleena.